shut up nerd
shut up nerd
so is this them trying to protect its users while adding nuance for the sake of legal protections, or is this them pretending to do that in order to profit off its users?
wtf is this
Foucault’s boomerang
fun fact, that idea predates foucault by a couple decades. ironically, it was coined by a black man from Martinique. i think he called it the imperial boomerang?
there it is! good ole instance of the people of Mali. at least i hope so. it would be pretty colonial for westerners to use their country code…
where’s Mali?
Not having a phone really sucks in this day and age. Imagine getting out of jail for something stupid like marijuana possession and then a parole violation due to a missed appointment. No one will hire you with your rap sheet. You live in a halfway house with a bunch of petty BS every day. And you can’t keep up with your parole demands because of how much your lack of a phone gets in your way. At the end of the day, there IS a way to succeed if you make the right choices, but shit, it’s just so much harder for some people to make the right choices when every day is crisis mode. And all because of WHAT?
needs more sheep
i always just look up this year’s 1040 and just fill it out myself. easy finances though…
been meaning to get an accountant this year. we’ll still do paper filing if e-filing is “deleted” lol
because the only reason I still use Reddit is to interact with adults in my profession from around the world with diverse backgrounds and viewpoints and with good hearts but limited tolerance for spending time learning obscure tech
so anything to reduce the barrier of entry for those people is one less reason to ever use Reddit again. that’s a win in my book. if you want to stick to your ML communities y, that’s your right. but are you really going to change the world by shutting everyone out?
yeah at least we got an overrated shitty game from shitty company
3 active
probably because you don’t understand the culture and/or are only looking at specific examples.
if you want to understand korea, you need to understand pain. the national story is one of constant pain and humiliation, and finding the strength to preserve through it. listen to Arirang for starters. that’s the unofficial national anthem, and it’s about a girl getting fucked over by a dude trying to get a better job, because mfs were starving to death back in the day
south korea is still a piracy paradise btw
oh joy
think he can keep his license in the US?
Duck you 🦆
I dont think I’ve hardly ever seen someone asking for sources on obvious truths or pretend a source is lying. They just say Nuh uh or Cuss out
I have, however, seen a LOT of people claim shit that isn’t true at all and try to pass it off as basic fact, and
I’ve seen even more people post sources that don’t actually say what they’re trying to prove.
And i dont think this is really the point of the Google it conversation
time thief? are you fucking kidding me?
you realize you don’t need to reply right???
I know right? People conversing about their problems?! The nerve!!! This is MY space, not theirs. People should only be allowed to post what I approve!!! and I do NOT approve oc asking for help, those fucking betacucks. let me scroll linux memes in peace
Wow that is infuriating.
I actually do appreciate this reminder