They have no power to give those people reparations, so yeah, why not? Just cut the head off the damn snake and dust off your hands.
They have no power to give those people reparations, so yeah, why not? Just cut the head off the damn snake and dust off your hands.
I only get my news here!
… is that bad?
Happy to be of service!
Unless they’re keeping the managers around to run sales, it doesn’t sound like they’ll have the staff for clearance. Maybe you could do a little morally justified looting, though?
Not if you don’t/can’t work full time.
1.) You had a few hundred thousand dollars?!
2.) Almost?
The only way I know about the shooting is this comment chain and one of the “only country where this happens regularly” memes on here.
Only one worth using! Up top!
I find it very difficult to believe that you don’t like a single Spielberg movie, just on a quantity level. He’s made so many at this point, at least one must tickle your fancy.
I think of him as a zillenial version of Ashens.
If something is marketed as “unlimited”, I don’t think there is such a thing as “wildly excessive use”. This isn’t a competitive eater going to an all-you-can-eat buffet and being mad about getting kicked out. It’s a business using a service in a way that’s seemingly in-line with what they paid for.
I always figured the point of tracking her, just like Musk, was commentary on the incredible waste that is the private jet industry. The politics of the person matter far less than the environmental consequences of their actions.
Maybe if he could speak with more gusto than a dying electronic greeting card, we’d actually believe that he meant it.