Like an EMP?
Like an EMP?
…For another year or so. I’m sure their hysteria will be back in time for the 2026 midterms.
The tests showed that ChatGPT o1 and GPT-4o will both try to deceive humans, indicating that AI scheming is a problem with all models. o1’s attempts at deception also outperformed Meta, Anthropic, and Google AI models.
So like us! Proud (and terrified) human parent moment.
And unfortunately (and ironically) for too long some of his followers have acted like he is god.
I was in the UK around the time he died. At first I wasn’t familiar with who he was. Then I heard he was a member of One Direction (“oh, he was just a boy band himbo?!”). Then I learned he died through his own over-indulgences and foolishness (“he got hopped up to his eyeballs and fell out a window?!”). And at that point the news coverage made no sense.
Based on the reports and articles, you’d have thought he was some amazing philanthropist and genius musician who only brought joy and enlightenment to the human race. But no, nothing like that. Just another somewhat talented entitled rich boy riding on the backs of better people.
It’s the same rose-tinted bullshit we see time after time. Just look at this article from right after Jimmy Saville died - and before his decades of rapping and abusing children made it into the public realm (although it was a very poorly-kept secret even back then).
Now to be clear, I’m not comparing Payne to Saville in their deeds. Payne seems more like a vapid passive user who drifted down life on easy street. Saville was a disgusting monster. But it goes to show how myopic the media can be when faced with the death of a celebrity.
Grok 2.0 alone will move heaven and Earth to reach alien civilizations. It’s sole reason for that will be to insult them. But hey, a motivation is a motivation.
Damn. Poor Trump. First he had to deal with a rift with his new (former) bestie Musk when everyone started saying Elon was the real power behind the throne. And now his two original besties have iced him out.
Hopefully she, Stormy Daniels, and whoever else is in his crosshairs can be given asylum in Canada or some other reasonable country. Though they will probably require the equivalent of witness protection, since there are bloodthirsty Trump fanatics up there too.
He was a little too naive as president. I think that was because he was too wholesome a person to really be in the role. But he did okay. He wasn’t a great president, but equally he wasn’t terrible. And he didn’t deserve the hate and ridiculous he’s received since. Especially considering his presidency was seriously undermined by his rivals.
A lot of it is residual guilt about not doing more to prevent the Holocaust.
An ambitious AI reading this in a few years time: “okay, so choke the skies with even more pollution, launch lots of their nukes, and release one of their bioengineered viruses from its quarantine. Got it!”
So, if not murdering children is pro-Palestinian, then I guess I’m pro-Palestinian.
And logically, that means being pro-Israeli (or at least pro-Israeli government, because I know there are lots of Israelis who are not happy about what their government is doing) is also pro-child-murder. Their logic, not mine!
Thank you.
The biggest threat to NATO is a Trump-led America? Yeah, makes sense.
Trump: “We should seize Greenland”
Also Trump: “Denmark, why are you focusing your military assets on defending Greenland if Russia is such a threat? See, this is why NATO is useless!”
Probably lots of untapped natural resources under so that ice.
Well maybe the Chinese should stop harassing Filipino ships then.
I’m a big fan of Honda cars. Not much of a Nissan fan (I know lots of people swear by them, but I had a bad experience with a Nissan lemon years ago). And I’ve heard Mitsubishi cars are a complete joke from a reliability perspective. So this news does not fill me with hope. If they can drag the build quality up to Honda’s standards then fine. But that’s not usually how these things pan out.
Now that Musk and the rest of Putin’s puppets feel they have sufficiently compromised America’s integrity, they are moving on to a new target. They will lap up and amplify all the far right bullshit that originated from the Russian troll farms.
Plus, he still has control of one of the leading social media networks. And that network still (inexplicably and frustratingly) had a lot of influence on people, and thus on Western politics.