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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2023


  • In my experience, plenty of local shops delivered. And when Uber eats came about, they had to fire their own delivery people because so many would check Uber eats first. Not to mention the restaurants get less on the food, when small, locally owned restaurants are already surviving on razor thin margins.

    So the idea for these services is basically “I don’t want to go to my local restaurant to pick up food, so I’m going to financially hurt them so a middleman can profit by forcing them to deliver to me (which plenty were doing already).”

    My point is it’s such a uniquely stupid, uniquely American concept that hurts everyone involved, and makes a ton of money for one large company—who completely inserted themselves into it unnecessarily.

    If the argument is whether or not there should be a moral dilemma when ordering from them, I say yes. We can’t absolve ourselves of our laziness on this one, I don’t think.

    And the likening it to insurance companies was strictly for the purpose of a meaningless middleman who changed the structure of the system they exist in, in order to profit unnecessarily. I tried to make it clear the likeness stopped there, but maybe I wasn’t.

    ETA: you also can’t discount the factor of newer restaurants trying to open, who now don’t even have the foothold of existing in-house delivery in order to wrest some of their own profits back from fuckin uber. For those previously existing businesses, of course some of their established customers would still use their delivery, but UE bit off a huge chunk of their business. But newer places? Forget it. They don’t stand a chance. It’s just a leech company looking at smaller businesses’ profits and saying, “hey, by name recognition alone, we could take a bunch of that by making an app and not even hiring employees but forcing people to use their own vehicles so we don’t have to pay for any of that shit.”

    It’s indefensible.

  • I a, bothered by the ratio of what I pay extra for third party services as compared to what the delivery person receives. You can’t possibly drive the price up further

    The solution already existed. It’s called restaurants delivering their own food. But Ubereats shoehorned their way into the equation to be an unnecessary middleman in order to profit. Exploiting a whole new group of people in the process.

    I absolutely share the moral dilemma with the concept of third party delivery. They’re just as useless as health insurance companies, so if you see the problem with the latter, you can def see the problem with the former. (Not to say they’re on the same scale or have similar histories or have equal amounts of blood on their hands, just that they’re similar in structure in a system that work(s)/(ed) fine without them.)

  • Hmm…I swear behavior like this, in a bigger pattern of state persecution of a group of people has a very specific name.

    It’s like when you control, slaughter, dehumanize an “out group”—man! Why can’t I think of the word! It’s like “gentle-…something” which is ironic because the behavior of the oppressor is so barbaric and inhuman. Damn! Why can’t I recall this word!

    Like, the nazis did it, you know what I mean? Now, I might be wrong here, but this story has some connection to the nazis too. Can’t put my finger on that either.

    Oh, right.


  • But it’s who’s hurting. When the solution involves making the poor suffer more for the better of the economy…you think that’s the right solution?

    I’m not going to pretend to know much about the Argentinian economy. But using the basic tenets of my moral worldview, I have to say I disagree. But hen again, I am incredibly uninformed about the history of politics in Argentina. And I will say, what I learned from my Argentinian friends while living in South America, I would have to assume the problem is similar to other countries in South America (and in NYC)—it’s not the structure, but the string of corrupt assholes who take advantage of the position when they get in power. That story is not unique to anywhere in the world. Power corrupts people. So I’m going to, again, share my kind a uninformed opinion and say I would assume corruption has been the problem, not that the poor people weren’t getting screwed hard enough.