Well yes, if you can afford to boycott airbnb clearly you could do so.
And AirBnB is all around the world so I’m sure there is plenty of illegal things to rent on Airbnb. They just look the other way.
Well yes, if you can afford to boycott airbnb clearly you could do so.
And AirBnB is all around the world so I’m sure there is plenty of illegal things to rent on Airbnb. They just look the other way.
I have played something like 50 hours of deadlock a few months ago and IMO it has strong MoBa elements. I actually think it’s more Dota but in TPS rather than a TPS trying to Dota.
The same aspects of Dota are strategically important in Deadlock IMO. You need to farm, you need to support, map control is very much relevant… I think it’s very close to Dota in what it requires from a player in terms of skills.
I would even say that you probably can be a very good deadlock player without good aim because the strategy is absolutely crucial. Also I have both seen experienced dota players and people with 0% experience in that genre discovering Deadlock and it makes a big difference in the learning curve. Dota players will be confused by the TPS aspect but are very fast in getting good in itemization, strategy, teamplay… They know what to do but are just not sure how to do it in a weird TPS form.
I think it will be very hard for another MOBA to challenge the competition…
LoL, Dota2 and even Deadlock? They better bring something very innovative otherwise this project is doomed.
A great game for sure. Probably my most awaited game release.
Only issue is that I need to finish factorio before that release and I wasn’t expecting the factorio DLC to extend the game by like 3x…
Anyway Manor lords was my most played single player game for 2024 in its rather barebone build and it was already a blast. Something that brings back when I was playing Settlers as a kid but with modern graphics.
One single French company and that’s it :(?
I thought we had some great AI researchers in France but it seems they are long gone if all we can muster is one startup?
Someone really liked Animal Well!
It fucking sucks and will slow down the transition to electric cars.
We already have that shit in France too. The national companies sell prohibitively expensive cars with some amount of financial help. But if you buy a Chinese car (even with a demonstrably proven carbon footprint) you don’t get any help.
Basically this is about protecting our car industry and shielding from their incapacity to provide a value electric car to the masses. Nothing to do with emissions.
It’s not an LLM, just a subtitles generator for video.
I thought it was obvious you wouldn’t say “hey I just took your benchy model and changed N vertices”. But just “happened” to inadvertently create a benchy lookalike.
Also there is definitely a point where it would be safe to reproduce the benchy design otherwise we could point at anything on earth and say “that’s a heavily modified benchy.”
Or are we all benchy? Am I a benchy with a thousand modified vertices?
So let’s be pragmatic there is nothing preventing me even to start a new design that vaguely ressemble the Benchy design. All it takes is for that “vaguely” to be enough so that you could argue you were not making a benchy redesign but just stumbled on something that could look Like a benchy.
I would actually suggest to make this new benchmark as close as possible to the original design as a middle finger to these idiots.
Any 3D printing lawyer interested in creating a 4D benchy? Also the same benchy but with just enough modifications to be legally safe?
I’m not sure why people are trying convince me to change my mind on something.
I have seen it in my logs with my own eyes. I wish I could be left alone without having to bother looking into it.
Whatever the reason is. Someone is crawling through dictionaries of address. It is slow but steady. It started with abuse@ and other generic addresses and then started trying names. I blocked the sending SMTP server once I realized what was going-on.
What am I suppose to do? Ignore it and just triage in inbox?
IMO Path of Exile 2 is kind of like “Diablo 4 classic”.
Sure it lack some QoL just because it wants to be old school but it nails the mood of the older Diablo games.
I also played Diablo 4 and there is no way I will return to that game. They clearly don’t have a good formula anymore.
This is not at all my experience with custom mail domains.
And I say that after spending a lot of time setting SPF, DKIM and DMARC filtering.
I guess you got lucky.
Does it?
Do you think spammer will just stop at the first address and then call it a day?
In my experience there is no such thing as a “catch all” domain address. The second your domain leaks then many spammer will just go into a frenzy and try hundreds or thousands of mail aliases.
Especially since they can’t really spam Gmail as easily (since early 2024) they will even more aggressively spam any other domain.
Unless you provide a source I will consider your comment as FUD.
I’m a bit skeptical on the Email alias feature but this is a really cool project.
I just don’t know how practical it is to use custom domains to receive those confirmation emails.
Wouldn’t you receive a ton of spam once your email domain leaks (which will eventually happen)?
Email is also useful for password reset.
Couldn’t even find a rumor of it. It wouldn’t make sense for steam to stop supporting such a large part of their userbase.
Good Ol clickbait title.
Not that they are much worse than the rest of the tech press but I avoid The Verge. They have a bad track record and regularly release really bad and misleading articles.
Thanks for the heads up.
I really don’t like that new Frame interpolation tech and think it’s almost only useful to marketers but not for actual gaming.
At least I wouldn’t touch it with any competitive game.
Hopefully we will get third party benchmarks soon without the bullshit perfs from Nvidia.
Publisher 360 I guess with some extra expensive cloud subscription.