I think it’s the wall of text that made your post look suspicious. So people downvoted it and now it doesn’t have any traction.
I watched the vid and there isn’t really anything controversial in it but I will note that I couldn’t find any link to the related scientific report Anton mentions in his video.
It’s an interesting topic I didn’t even know existed and even though YT titles are always clickbaity the content of the video is not really saying that this is an imminent threat but something to be cautious about.
OK thanks for the clarification.
I think it’s very easy to find an “unusual” way to write something in any article as any author kind of has his own way to write but I understand what you mean.
Also my English is probably lacking in not being able to see that kind of nuance or what is really unusual.
I just thought that was the most straightforward way to convey that SpaceX is owned by Musk. Now the relevancy of this information in this article is another debate.
I thought Musk just spent a lot of his money on that business to own it and that it doesn’t imply that he was taking part of engineering. I read Musk’s bio a long time ago and my understanding was that he made much of his initial money through PayPal and then just bought businesses to add to his portfolio.
Also I would like to point out that even someone completely evil and with bad intentions can totally buy the right business and see it grow. So in now way I’m congratulating Musk or assuming he is the reason this business was successful. Trump had many very bad investments but still remained rich and powerful so it’s not like there is a direct correlation of the two.
So Musk might be a total asshole, he is still the owner of SpaceX:
Elon Musk’s SpaceX