As a recovering karma whore, I can attest to this.
As a recovering karma whore, I can attest to this.
(In a Morgan Freeman narrator voice) Oh how wrong they were. Some might say that they shit the bed with such thinking and actions. Others… Might believe that they didn’t know better. The fuck they didn’t! The ‘all mighty dollar’ was their carrot on a stick that was placed in front of them by nearly soul dead board members and deep pocketed ‘investors.’ A fixation on the “all mighty dollar” in this extreme capitalistic parent company EA, has shown us endless times, they don’t give a fuck about you or your hobby. Just as long as you continue to throw your money at them like a good little dipshit who can’t seem to realize that you’re being played.
For no reason at all? No, no, no. For all of the right reasons? Oh, for sure.
Into the depths of Moria and through Lothlórien forest.
I can testify to this. I was there. I was there when Lemmy so valiantly fetched ye old YouTube thumbnails.
That’s cool. But I’m never buying a Blizzard game ever again.
And just like that, GOG rose to surpass Steam as the better place to buy video games.
1000% agree.
It can become frustrating to learn or deal with people who haven’t informed themselves about the advancements in nuclear power. Safer methods of energy generation have been developed since the Fukushima incident (March 2011.)
I think you might be speaking of Viscera Cleanup Detail.
What’s the conversion rate of one MeowMeowBeanz to one Schrute buck?