This 100%, too many musk fanboys don’t understand how much he is actually hindering innovation.
Even at SpaceX they make more progress when he isn’t involved.
This 100%, too many musk fanboys don’t understand how much he is actually hindering innovation.
Even at SpaceX they make more progress when he isn’t involved.
Owning that much of a company that is valued that highly is still damaging to society, even if it isn’t liquid cash. Even putting aside their ability to take out loans with the shares as collateral, if the company is really worth that much it should be owned by a larger number of people with each taking a reasonably sized share to ensure that decisions are not made selfishly.
Taxing unrealised gains also hurt working class people dabbling in the stock market to try and improve their circumstance. IMO once you reach a net worth of $1B you get a pat on the back that you won captalism, and a 200% tax rate on anything beyond that to force you to give it up. No one person should own and control so much of a company if it truely has so much value, divide it among those that created the value i.e. the employees.
You seem to be in the camp of believing the hype. See this write up of an apple paper detailing how adding simple statements that should not impact the answer to the question severely disrupts many of the top model’s abilities.
In Bloom’s taxonomy of the 6 stages of higher level thinking I would say they enter the second stage of ‘understanding’ only in a small number of contexts, but we give them so much credit because as a society our supposed intelligence tests for people have always been more like memory tests.
The first line of that article is
Without citing a source, Channel 12 reports…
Please try harder. There are people dying because of misinformation.
We were told he was fortified in a tunnel network surrounded by bodyguards and hostages as human shields, like some terrorist mastermind.
He is killed running alone from one bombed out house to another, by a soldier that didn’t even recognize him.
Not saying he shouldn’t have been killed, but it really shows the false pretenses under which this ‘war’ is being carried out.
Definitely had issues on first release, but a lot has improved since then without getting much coverage. Btw I wouldn’t say that x86 has ‘caught up’ especially if your metric is power efficiency, not just raw power. Until we see a realistic RISC-V offering arm will likely remain king in that space.
They were humans pretending to be robots, these are actually robots that are being remotely controlled, rather than being fully autonomous.
Binary Large OBject
Basically any binary file, often objected to in open source repos because of the lack of source and ‘openness’. See also the recent xz backdoor.