eh, i don’t see it as any different than most of the cards in a store, it’s all incredibly low effort and cringy, yet no one seems to give a shit about that.
eh, i don’t see it as any different than most of the cards in a store, it’s all incredibly low effort and cringy, yet no one seems to give a shit about that.
i gotta be real, i don’t get the hype people go on about with RSS, it’s like being hyped about DNS
yeah sure it’s a good protocol that should be used more, but it’s uh, it’s just a feed? i don’t see what’s so amazing about it, do some people just subscribe to 5000 email newsletters and stuff like that?
oh it’s not an official thing, that could probably use some more clarification as the name makes it sound like something developed by the systemd people
it is good, it’s just a bit of a power user program. It’s my daily driver since i actually want all that information, organic maps just looks like a child’s toy to me.
the whole thing about it using OSM data is that you can just fix that, spend a week surveying and you have the most high-detail navigation available.
eh that’s a bit too simplistic imo, tipping is fine so long as it happens rarely and for specific reasons (e.g. they had to clean up your baby’s vomit), and you make it clear that it’s a gift specifically to the people who had to do extra work.
i maintain that tips are perfectly okay, maybe even good, BUT ONLY IF IT’S CASH DIRECTLY IN THEIR HAND. And if the employer tries to take that cash, i’m going to wedgie them so hard that their grandchildren will suffer hemorrhoids.
now now, it’s not necessarily malicious, it can just be extreme incompetence.
does he? i was under the impression that linus considers it just as stupid as everybody else and its existence is somewhat unsettlingly like a separate organism that lives in our collective brain activity…
this is a very childish way to react, you ok?
for extra poignancy, have the former do the latter as a part of therapy
these are the exceptions that prove the rule
i mean i suppose it’s still gendered but i can assure you there are tons of gay male couples doing that
early access games are also notorious for being dogshite and left as such, or they’re fine but with obvious flaws which are never fixed because “bro it’s still in early access!”
it’s like how yahtzee will continously corrupt the name of whatever he’s talking about in fullyramblomatic videos: balatro, baloney, balalaika, bolschevism, botulism
i will never stop wanting to commit severe crime every time i try to see what’s using the processor and every single fucking system monitor tool just says it’s xorg
i love how people bend over backwards to justify the placement, and STILL the best you can come up with is “it’s not THAT bad”
so the same reason as every other something-washing then
cat6-o-nine tails
i just kinda feel eh about them as a concept, it’s just a piece of paper with an image on it where the sum total involvement from the giver is that they selected the card, and even that is almost never something that took more than 20 seconds.
It’s a worse version of postcards, which usually have some actually interesting art on them (or a photo) and is relevant to a journey they made.