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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2024


  • He’s filed for refugee status, so now we have to run him through that whole process.

    As someone who works a lot with refugees, I’m not sure I can really express the rage I have that magats feel entitled to take up space in this specific system Canadians have put our collective dollars toward, especially when it’s all SO overburdened already. The idjit grinning as he explains to the reporter, “maybe I’ll be a refugee, might delete later, idk” when I know actual war resisters and people escaping torture in their home countries sleeping rough on a freezing cold night in the city? And this douche is snowboarding?

    I’m sure most Canadians would physically remove the man back to the USofA ourselves if we could. These people are obscene.

    Deplorable, even.

  • Testify. I listen to the radio a lot and it’s been high volume election campaign-level advertising for so. fucking. long. Every commercial makes me think of Doug and Rob’s news1010 radio show “Ford Nation” and that slimy “Ontario News Now” invention he used to get around journalists. Insta-rage every time.

    My neighbour’s an educator, and she was telling me all through June - August '22 that government reps were fucking with her union, not showing up for negotiating, or showing up insultingly late, staying long enough to say No and then leaving. Meanwhile the ads in August were “We pay Educators lots of money and they’re very happy! We’re putting your kids back in classrooms and giving them an education!” Now we know they were just busy constructing bill 28 which took away the union’s right to strike.

    His ads were always annoying and insulting. But that whole production woke me up.

  • How much of our public funds have DoFo and Co spent on court battles against us, I wonder? From cancelling windmill projects to tearing out bike lanes. The mind boggles…

    Like the money spent defending his right to cut Toronto’s reps from 47 people to 25 in the middle of a municipal election. Or their right to violate the province’s Environmental Bill of Rights with that covid recovery bill. I know he publicly budgeted $30M of our money just to fight (and lose) against the carbon pricing program.

    -Paid for by the government of Ontario (doo-dee-dee-doo)

  • Do you assume these scientists are fearful anti-intellectuals, like a gaggle of Covidiots or something? If you read the article, you’ll find that

    The expert group includes Dr Craig Venter, the US scientist who led the private effort to sequence the human genome in the 1990s, and the Nobel laureates Prof Greg Winter at the University of Cambridge and Prof Jack Szostak at the University of Chicago.

    These aren’t idiots, and their call came from a risk assessment performed by experts in their fields.

    While enthusiastic about research on mirror molecules, the report sees substantial risks in mirror microbes and calls for a global debate on the work. link to the 299-page report

    Beyond causing lethal infections, the researchers doubt the microbes could be safely contained or kept in check by natural competitors and predators.

    Dr Kate Adamala, a synthetic biologist at the University of Minnesota and co-author on the report, was working towards a mirror cell but changed tack last year after studying the risks in detail.

    “We should not be making mirror life,” she said. “We have time for the conversation. And that’s what we were trying to do with this paper, to start a global conversation.”

  • The religions we grew up in are similar. Bethel Pentecostal village in the middle of nowhere in my case, and my family were the outsiders (teh devils!) who moved there for cheap housing.

    I’m sorry you had to sit in church and listen to that. It’s terrifying for kids to experience the adults who are supposed to take care of them, giddy/possessed over the world ending.

    I didn’t learn about their Israel obsession until my 20s. Christians moving to Israel so they can plant olive trees because it’ll help the world end absolutely blew my mind.

  • Incel King’s got priorities: start with all the women who said no.

    It’s sickening. I just read about the professor who had to leave her job and home after he sicced his deplorable fanbois on her all because she was critical of Tesla’s driver-assist.

    Cummings said she already knows of federal employees who “have dedicated their lives to civil service,” already quitting their jobs in anticipation of what’s to come.

    “He intended for them, for people just like this, to be intimidated and just go ahead and quit so he didn’t have to fire them. So his plan, to some extent, is working,” she said.

    CNN reached out to multiple experts and academics who specialize in cyber harassment, doxing and online abuse. But several declined to comment on the record for fear of themselves becoming Musk’s targets.

    Professionals too afraid to speak about their area of expertise. Public servants quitting because they know what’s coming for them. And Trump’s not even started his second run yet.

  • It’s very that. Too many people here are like, “fundies OBVIOUSLY don’t understand their own bible fwah fwah,” when no, they totally do and they’re actually really into all that End Times shit. Oceans warming up? Woo-hoo we’re on our way to boiling! Another plague? Sweet! Another sign! Does this one have lesions? Christian Fundies have worked hard for their end times, doing their part to make the laws of god into the laws of man on earth.

    Our planet on fire is literally their best case scenario (and exactly why they can’t be trusted in any kind of public office). They know who Trump is. The imperfect vessel or the antichrist - it’s just another sign to check off the list. I wish I was being hyperbolic.