He’s filed for refugee status, so now we have to run him through that whole process.
As someone who works a lot with refugees, I’m not sure I can really express the rage I have that magats feel entitled to take up space in this specific system Canadians have put our collective dollars toward, especially when it’s all SO overburdened already. The idjit grinning as he explains to the reporter, “maybe I’ll be a refugee, might delete later, idk” when I know actual war resisters and people escaping torture in their home countries sleeping rough on a freezing cold night in the city? And this douche is snowboarding?
I’m sure most Canadians would physically remove the man back to the USofA ourselves if we could. These people are obscene.
Deplorable, even.
How in-your-face was that sudden drop in hostile “freedom from TruDope” commentary the week Russia invaded Ukraine and they all got new influencer assignments or something?