Just hope it’s better than when Duke Nukem Forever finally came out
Just hope it’s better than when Duke Nukem Forever finally came out
Well ask any Canadian and we could have told you that
Is Jack Dallaire related to Romeo Dallaire?
Lol giving out e-waste and thinking we should be thankful for it. Go fuck off to your office Jensen - three days a week
Country name sounds like my cat is meowing at me
Have we figured out yet how to deal with tissue rejection without instituting a drug regimen?
You mean these X-Ray specs don’t actually let me see thru anything?!
All the parties are colluding together again? They must have been called up to Ottawa again for another “Solidarity Meeting”
The only one I hadn’t played thru completely was System Shock 1. Love the Shock games
notice how they never say, “we’ve been bought out!”
Banning party whips would be a good start
I’m blue
I like to pirate old dance music tracks from the 90’s
Wouldn’t it be great if there were no political parties at all? No jockeying for power, no backroom deals, no “donor dinners”?
Trying to, like did they lose internet access or something
Gamepad support on Android yet?
Action Half-Life has a McDonalds map
Doesn’t he just rubberstamp the harebrained schemes that they come up with?