Source? The link in the OP says a ~3060 or 6600XT for recommended settings. No clue what the ‘recommended’ settings are, though.
Source? The link in the OP says a ~3060 or 6600XT for recommended settings. No clue what the ‘recommended’ settings are, though.
Anyone that is on 10 still isn’t going to go to Linux
Eh, there’s a few of us. I intend to at least give Linux a solid try before I swap to Win11.
My thoughts are that at that point I realistically have to swap anyways. It’s just a question of whether I’m going to Win11- which I’ll have to customize to my preferences and generally figure out, or Linux- which I’ll have to customize to my preferences and generally figure out.
I’m on the tech savvy side of things, and I still find Linux intimidating so I don’t think this will be a mass migration to Linux or anything.
I’ve considered Linux a couple times in the past, but generally stayed away because my PC is primarily used for gaming which didn’t have the best support then. Things are kinda different now- support is generally better.
TIL these games are based on 3E and 3.5E. Neat. I might have to give a remaster a go just for that.
Eh. Well, opinions.
I thought so too after that first trailer, looked really rough. The combat looked absolutely terrible.
They released another trailer awhile ago that seemed drastically improved so I’m moderately interested in the game. I’m not on the edge of my seat and preordering or anything, but I’ll look into it when it releases.
Yeah, I always viewed it as more of a city builder except on Mars. More akin to Cities Skylines than Rimworld. I haven’t played it to be clear, but that’s why- I liked Rimworld, but do not particularly enjoy city builders.
Brighter Shores is interesting, but I think it was too early to really grab me. I think it just needs more time to cook.
Parry and riposte mechanics make me happy. Idk why exactly, but something about timing a parry and making the enemy entirely helpless for the followup is just great.
Yeah sounds about right.
Meh, I could see it if Microsoft is willing to basically just give Obsidian the IP for a game. Bethesda realistically wouldn’t really have a say in that I don’t think.
This is the first I’ve heard of this- did Veilguard do badly? I thought it was reasonably popular.
We’re apparently getting Skyblivion this year, too. That sounds like it’ll be fun.
It’s the kind of thing you just learn over time as you play. It can be pretty brutal early on tho.
It could be worse- first MOBA I really got into was Smite and there’s ~130 characters in that game.
Why not do both? Keep GTA VI Online’s price low, and the main campaign at like $80.
It’s exactly what they did with Red Dead Redemption 2. RDR2 is $60, Red Dead Online is $20.
Endgame is basically non-existent, it’s literally just grinding the same exact bosses infinitely to fill out collection log or get a specific pet. That’s the entire end game.
A lot of people absolutely love collection logging and pet hunting.
It ain’t for me either, to be clear, but what exactly do you want out of OSRS end game? I can’t really come up with what I’d actually want it to look like.
Yeah. At least OSRS, I’m not as certain about RS3.
Google RSPS- Runescape Private Servers.
I have no idea how much effort it would be, but it’s clearly possible.
I have no idea how it is for your country specifically, but for the US pcpartpicker.com is pretty amazing for price checking stuff. I know it works for a lot of other countries as well.
7900xtx costs 1.6k$ rn
…where? Is that CAD or AUD? I can’t find many on sale, but I just found a 7900 xtx for $999, and the XTX’s MSRP is $999.
There’s still a market for that. People liked the Nvidia Shield and that’s more or less what it is afaik.