It’s not getting a lot of coverage, but there is a lot of data to support that this election was firmly stolen and Americans did not choose him. Trump ranting about stolen elections for a decade made it so Democrats are timid to send the same accusations back, worried of being considered flip-floppers after years of claiming our elections are “super duper secure, I’m super cereal.”
Of course, some of us remember similar from 2004, so the idea that our elections have been secure has been a joke for a while. A falsity the Democrats stood on to justify “faith in the system.”
But yeah, most Americans I deal with on the daily are uneducated fucking morons. So you, know, I also don’t put it past these fucking idiots.
Finally, nobody remembers any of the “good” people in Germany during Hitler’s rise to power as anything but “Nazis” and we Americans will fare no differently. That certainly isn’t your fault.
A valid point.