tl;dr: Yes you can become a Nazi, if the seed is there to begin with.
Everyone has dark thoughts and urges deep in their heart, and everyone has biases and prejudices to overcome. Most of us are able to balance and control these things. We learn and grow, see our own faulty reasoning over time, and allow compassion and empathy to see others as we see ourselves. I think Kanye is an example of wealth allowing unregulated behavior, combined with spiraling mental health, to amplify those prejudices and dark thoughts into twisted new beliefs.
I’m not trying to make excuses for Mr West. His behavior is reprehensible. I can also see how someone who is already borderline narcissistic gets their pride reinforced through creative success. I can see how a man who is part of an oppressed minority would be suspicious of those with more power and influence. And i can see how those factors could be amplified as that person becomes wealthier, more successful in their pursuits, and less beholden to other’s social mores.
I think conservatorships are problematic and easily abused. I also think Kanye needs the boundaries a conservatorship could place on him. He’s obviously unwell. I know him, because I have a friend just like him, only poor. My friend doesn’t blame “the Jews”, but they are not happy, even when well medicated. And when they spiral, it’s ugly
BTW, I don’t always agree with you Squid, but I’m still glad you escaped the US. Wishing you and your family the best
So i know (hope) this is satire. I’m also aware that people latch on to dumb things and propagate them, like Flat Earth and the like. So I’ll clarify that with a 2% morality rate there were literally dead bodies stacking up in the streets in NYC.
The only reason the right wing propaganda machine was successful in misinforming rural areas was because the administrations efforts to reduce/slow the spread of COVID, haphazard as it was, turned out to be successful in preventing mass deaths like that seen in NYC. And it was a close thing.
The thing is people are so goddamned gullible, so credulous of their media of choice, that a 30% mortality rate would only fuel more dumbshittery