Me when I forget why I’m in a directory, then remember, but forget again
I’m not based or up to date with times, an ignorant fool who lives on a tiny planet.
Me when I forget why I’m in a directory, then remember, but forget again
Thanks for the suggestion, will check it out
I switched to Spotube because none of the music apps even have most of the weird songs I listen too, but I still have spotify only for podcasts because there aren’t any platforms that have all the ones I listen too and I’m not looking into finding new ones.
I also don’t want to have 10 apps for 1 podcast each, the closest replacement would be YT music but in their infinite wisdom they combined accounts across videos and music, I don’t want to see followed music artists in my subscriptions on the video app and I’m not paying for 2 premium accounts to keep them separate.
Also apple podcast & music sounds like it might be enough, but I’m now switching to iOS only for podcasts, I like my sideloaded apps thank you.
Sorry I had to vent as this as been pissing me off for a long while.
I do like apple as a company over Microsoft and Google but that’s like saying you rather eat a frog over spiders and cockroaches.
I would love one but spending that much for something I won’t use that often seems like a waste on money, especially since my current laptop got a decade of life left with Linux.
To make our laptops look clean and minimalistic, they made us buy a bunch of dongles and adapters.
Screw it, I’m buying a rugged laptop with the thickness of a desktop PC next
Agreed, I like flutter, but that AI image just turns me away from this project so much
Its been a few days of using the app and honestly I’m loving it a lot more than Spotifys UI, only downside is no good way discover new podcasts similar to what I like but honestly that’s an easy internet search, so I guess there are no downsides that I can’t easily fix.