Mac’s had them, so they could control when the user was able to have their disk back 😅
Mac’s had them, so they could control when the user was able to have their disk back 😅
I wish they never discovered that all gamers were monolithic.
Those are discs not disks kiddo
Famous last words
Red State detected
Oh God please let this happen
In theory? Sure. In practice? Often not so trivial.
Yeah but they’re probably on tons of drugs too
A poor idea or poor execution? Seems to me from a marketing perspective, the Venn diagram of these two would overlap fairly well.
Without SSH. Easy peasy right?
How else are they going to get that tasty user data to sell
WSL has no direct connection to the host file system. WSL’s drives are virtualized. Which is a real fuckin peach when you just want to copy things to and fro and end up discovering this 😅
You can just go to and enter the URL.
Bahaha ok