Yes, thank you for reminding everyone we condemn Hamas, it’s really hard to know if the West supports terrorists or not and unfortunately I have to state that’s sarcasm. Nobody is siding with the terrorist insurgency but fuck Israel for making conditions so inhumane, so unlivable, so untenable that the only solution they can reasonably find is to fight a state fully funded by the United States. Nobody chooses to fight the US without believing they’re going to die anyway.
Israel created their own villains and I have zero fucking sympathy for them.
LOL 10/7
Shut the fuck up. How many Palestinians have been raped? Reporters killed? Children bombed? Starved? Mutilated the the IDF? The shit I’d tell you to do would get me banned off this instance but make no mistake I have zero sympathy for you and the fucking monsters you suckle to cock of. You’re beyond pathetic.