You have to pay to upvote something?
You have to pay to upvote something?
To not have to buy and carry around several different cables for your devices
Miles should be renamed to Orca km
Because steam multiplayer is implemented into the game, you cant open the app if steam is not installed
If a game has multiplayer, it most likely has DRM
Terraria and Cuphead are games i know dont work because of that
I got Gelatine after forgetting about it being in my wishlist for half a year
You can play the game without the steam client
It being proprietary isnt in the top 5 of the list of my problems with AI
A lot of steam games dont have drm
You would lose only most of your library, not all of it
And maybe stop making comments help the video get more popular
HolyOS, Hannah Montana linux, AmongOS
You can kill for that
AI is also used to describe enemy behavior
Do people know how email works?
As far as i know, that is for the ad algorithm, not for youtube
I dont understand why you cant choose what things you want to be recommended to you
Unless i have been using matrix wrong, wouldnt it be more of an alternative to whatsapp than an alternative to discord?
Hidden in the google account settings, you can find what googles algorithm thinks you like and remove inaccurate things
As far as i know, you cant add things
This is the only algorithm i know that you can kinda customize
Quiblr for lemmy does this i think
Being able to choose what it will show you would be cool and not require stealing your data to customize your feed
Google is the closest thing to that that i know, but their implementation is terrible
They may have already done that
22.94%(19.6% more than second place) of voters voted for a person that claimed pepsi had microchips, said that Donald Trump, a dictactor that was responsible for facilitating The Holocaust in Romania and the founder of a fascist party were heroes, called global warming “a global scam”, and spread covid 19 missinformation. As far as i know, his only marketing was tiktok. A lot of romanians were surprised by his place in the election