Taxes are usually taken out using the monthly amount like a yearly amount. You’ll probably get a lot of it back when you pay taxes for the year.
Taxes are usually taken out using the monthly amount like a yearly amount. You’ll probably get a lot of it back when you pay taxes for the year.
Misskey is way more interactive. Dang!
Headline confused “despite” and “due to”
There’s a common thing known as “judge shopping”. The big wigs and those with enough money can ensure that a trial goes to a court in an area that is likely to be favorable to their interests.
For example, if a company is going to court because of something environmental or anti-worker, they’ll try to get the court session held in a conservative jurisdiction.
Maybe Gris might fall into this category? The art is watercolor-like.
I’m not familiar with that term. What does that mean?
Oh, you’re a person. My bad. I thought with so many posts in such a short time that it was a bot.
Edit: it’s not a big deal. There’s a setting to mark an account as a bot. So I was more looking for that.
Edit 2. Here’s where I got the number from
Also, this is an account that’s 1 day old with 64 posts on news articles and doesn’t appear to be marked as a bot.
You’d think, but maybe not. One thing that China does is it’s really strict on not letting people bring money out of the country. I have friends that have money back home that they can’t get out of the country.
The main reason for that is that when the gov’t opens that up, billions start flowing out of the country really fast. So, if you leave, you’re leaving your money behind.
This bot is off so often, and I just realized I never actually use it. I’m just gonna block it.
Tl;dr - fediverse probably won’t do too much, and it does have discoverability issues, along with migration issues
site blocked for work, but are they actually thrilled or “fucking thrilled”? haha