Lies, damned lies, and statistics.
Lies, damned lies, and statistics.
Wow, you guys really are super nice. I like the cut of your jib. :)
Lol. They’re 5.99 for us.
The Democratic party is guilty of nothing less than total political malpractice from the moment they allowed Biden to run again.
You’re a nice person. Keep being you!
It seems some don’t hear the sarcasm there.
I ducking knew it too, I’ve been a long for the ride though. The models still do have some niche applications where they’re actually useful.
This whole thing with OpenAI and Microsoft whinging about fair play is truly laughable though. What clowns.
As a side note, it took a few tries to write ducking, my keyboard kept correcting it to fucking. We’re definitely 2 different people. Lol.
I heard someone saying Idiocracy is thinly veiled eugenics propaganda. I still don’t know how to feel about that.
Perhaps a mediocracy?
Me too, since 2014, before it was a thing, according to Google trends. Does that make us hipsters? We did it before it was cool.
I think it would also be fair to say that anyone who doesn’t is also virtue signaling.
Truly, this reporting is valid and important. Also, this is so totally predictable that all I can do is sarcastically clutch my pearls.
Did he play FPS games too?
Insurance companies and capitalism in general have made sure of that.
I generally agree with you but I think there’s an exception to every rule, I mean, he just dumped gas on the MAGA dumpster fire. What’s wrong with that?
Also, love me some barqs my dude.
US, UK, DE… Fucker’s going for world domination.
Sorry, I suppose I was unclear contextually. Implemented on big box stores in the US. Like, all of them.
I don’t disagree, but the systems necessary to make this happen non-destructively just do not exist.
BTW, you may like the limits to growth study. https://archive.org/details/TheLimitsToGrowth
Although it is kind of a downer. In the 70s, they predicted the downfall of society. We’re on track with the prediction, more or less.