Yeah, everything about Stallone
Yeah, everything about Stallone
I think you’d be surprised, Hitler The Dolphin was one of the best selling games of the era
As someone who lives in Texas, yes please, I can’t afford healthcare
Can someone explain to me why they are so averse to pc that it’s literally in their contract?
So no shade (despite the fact that I don’t like Tom Cruise) but he looks 15 years older here than he did during the filming of Maverick
They choose which super-saiyan level to activate based on your annual income
Going back a ways here with Castlevania: Symphony of The Night. It seems like a fairly fleshed out game as it is when you get to the “final” boss but then you read a guide and find out “ending A” is only half of the game
There’s like three different points in the game that look like the end before revealing more. It’s a chunky game. If it was paced slightly better and the dialogue trimmed (by a lot) it would be perfect. But it’s close enough
This man shouldn’t be drawing breath
The Lich helps the rich
I get the fear but what about those of us that want a Symbiote-suit?
I always imagined a Ciri game as a more action-oriented and somewhat more over-the-top spin-off based on how she played in Witcher 3. But honestly I’ll be content as long as it’s a good game
Which one would you recommend most?
I normally agree with you but Naughty Dog has a good enough track record that I’m not worried. But yes in principle I do absolutely hate the trend
Yeah I expected people like Jim to be hiding in a cave in the middle of nowhere like Bin Laden right about now
Damn I totally forgot that existed! lol
I think it would be interesting if they did a home version of the Steam Deck basically. Do a valve branded stripped down gaming PC on/around the same level as ps5 and series X using this OS to give a “console feel” to PC gaming while keeping the PC modularity and ecosystem for people who are interested in PC but don’t know what specs to look for and where to start, or those that want to get back into it after a long time as well as those interested in Linux. It would have the added benefit of not requiring kbm, windows purchase, and mostly free online play. Maybe that wouldn’t work but it’s just a thought
I’m always glad to see fellow Texans who give a shit, this election’s voting map was even more depressing than I expected. I’ll have to keep an eye on this paper
The pope is too “woke” for many Catholics, whose religion dictates that the pope is always right whether they like it or not because god. Awkward place to be in, but it doesn’t seem to stop them