Isn’t it still a pump’n’dump? As the Big Cheese, the man can just keep repeating the cycle as long as it suits him.
Isn’t it still a pump’n’dump? As the Big Cheese, the man can just keep repeating the cycle as long as it suits him.
Do we have any fun infographics to help educate those that aren’t autodidacts?
The associated pic shows Trump’s mad halotosis.
How do you feel about child quotas? Japan’s pretty strict on their immigration law and seems to be crashing anyway.
That wasn’t the question.
Fair 'nuff. I hadn’t really considered an alt account.
It isn’t really that odd, considering you’ve only been here a couple of weeks. Mutual Aid is a foundational idea in most if not all anarchist projects and theory.
There may be many scammers, yes, but the goal remains the same - get help to those who need it from those in a position to give it.
As for being part of the problem, I must disagree. Scammers aren’t leeching just this, they’d be present in any system purporting to help others (in gov’t systems this is called fraud), the goal of these grassroots aid projects is to help those who fall through the cracks of more formalized systems and decentralize some aid in case the church/NGO/gov’t can’t or won’t help (see the Hurricane Helene/Katrina responses when FEMA is overwhelmed).
Means-testing recipients is kinda a dick move anyway: those who have demonstrable need will have a harder time getting aid and time/money that should be spent helping are now spent with verification.
Disappointed over Genital Enhancement.
You also gotta report it to IT as a phishing attempt. Because it is.
Are they a frenemy then? A rival? A sibling that’s kinda strung out on drugs that you don’t know what to do with but still feel kinda responsible to make sure they don’t fuck up too bad?
Is it pronounced dodgey as in seedy? Cause it works especially well then.
Imma wait for the other shoe to drop before I start taking this win.
I’ll try to keep that in mind when I next vote blue here in Alabama.
Really? People kept harping on that exact point if I mused at all about voting 3rd party.
What would prevent the same happening in the next wave of rats jumping ship? They don’t know anything about the servers or their niches, so they pick whatever. Listing all the servers and their missions is a good start for those motivated to join, but for those more on the fence, how do we ease the transition?
Ehh, I kinda doubt that. Aluminum manufacture is pretty energy-intensive. Energy that would probably come from petroleum.
I don’t really believe he thinks any more about what he’s lashing out at than a ferret in a war-dance.
Looks fun. If only I wasn’t absolute garbage at rhythm games.
In the case that the world goes back to “normal” in four years, what would even be the path forward for prosecution against this?
I mean, I won’t hold my breath, but am just curious.
Do we? For a bit maybe, but after a few years we aren’t happy when it wasn’t the “20 minute adventure” we were sold.
Yeah, it is a dumping ground, but the concern here is the unintended release of radioactive materials into the surrounding environments.
Florida being a huge, saltwater-accessible, hurricane prone wetland means that not only will containment be nigh impossible, but that it would readily leach into the watershed and fuck up the everglades and other ecosystems in the area.
And apparently there are innocent people or whatever nearby.