Are you seriously Destiny posting rn?
Are you seriously Destiny posting rn?
When one of them gets arrested I’ll know they mean it.
Wow! Finally! A use for AI! A means of kicking the metaphorical cat litter on the giant turd of private industry firing your neighbor to cut costs. I always knew they could figure it out eventually.
Just the one?
Yeah. This is a way bigger problem with this article than anything else. The entier thing hinges on their AI-detecting AI working. I have looked into how effective these kinds of tools are because it has come up at my work, and independent review of them suggests they’re, like, 3-5 times worse than the (already pretty bad) accuracy rates they claim, and disproportionatly flag non-native English speakers as AI generated. So, I’m highly skeptical of this claim as well.
I mean they added a translate button in the last day or two, so I infer that at least the people running the site are OK with encouraging the sudden American popularity.
I mean, this is good, but isn’t it the case that they basically pay for this by selling Oil and Gas? That’s not replicable for most nations, and is kinda… like, damaging. I’m glad they did it, but unless their next goal is like, paying India to phase out their fossil fuel industry it kinda feels like pulling the ladder up in a way to me.
I’m not really one for Tik Tok, but I went on REDNote to see what it was about and it was incredibly wholesome seeing American and Chinese people getting to interact as normal human beings and understand each other without it being filtered through our governments. Even if they don’t shut down Tik Tok, they’re gonna have to shut that shit down. Can’t have future soldiers seeing their “enemies” as humans.
I always like when people talk about potentially habitable exoplanets. It’s like “this planet is not literally on fire or frozen solid, and it’s atmosphere is 80% carbon dioxide with a measly 20% hydrochloric acid”. Like we’ve got a planet here that we’re struggling to not kill ourselves on from doubling the Co2 from 250 ppm to 500 ppm. We’re never getting to that other planet, bro. If we were gonna, solving climate change would be trivial by comparison.
I got to the local Moroccan and Viet markets near me because they’re cheaper and I can walk to them. Having Lemongrass pork chops and Arayas is just a side benefit.
Is Texas about get rug pulled?
I mean after reading the article, I’m still unsure how this makes ChatGPT any better at the things I’ve found it to be useful for. Proofreading, generating high level overview of well-understood topics, and asking it goofy questions, for instance. If it is ever gonna be a long-term thing, “AI” needs to have useful features at a cost people are willing to pay, or be able to replace large numbers of workers without significant degredation in quality of work. This new model appears to be more expensive without being either of those other things and is therefore a less competitive product.
This is one of the few things ChatGPT is actually good at too. sheesh
It could be them getting ready to push a wc1 and 2 remake. Hopefully more of a D2 than a WC3…
As a chemist, I will go ahead and inform you confidently that Potassium Iodide in a dry place will outlast you by a significant margin. It’s very chemically stable.
Something I often find myself explaining to my friends who I game with is just how much objectively terrible shit you can get gamers to not only tolerate, but support as long as you promise to “get rid of cheaters”… which is a hopeless goal. It took a lot of explaining to get them to accept my argument of “I would literally prefer cheaters over a new root kit for every game”
Congress of Vienna was the first time historically I have really read about nation states pearl clutch about “international laws” and “rules based international order”, I might argue that it predates WW1 by about 100 years.
I get why in this momement where Ukraine appears to be dependent on NATO support, and where it seems like NATO is required to counterbalence Russia, why people would support the existence of it. But, it is absolutely a tool of US global hegemonic power. The US has committed some incredibly horrific acts to secure its position as sole global super power and NATO as a tool to develop and maintain that power has been used to that end, and will continue to be used in that way. We should not confuse tools of imperial power projection to be a good thing.
Imagine swearing fealty to a monarch in 2024.
My money is on you being right… But if they wanted to prove it wrong, getting arrested would be a good start.