I love supporting protests and am quick to point out how they can shift attitudes (e.g. occupy) but I would struggle to say one positive result from the pussy hat protest. Can you help me there?
If I had to guess, I would say it helped him with his base more than hurt him or helped the opposition/our side rally support.
The protests against his abusive anti-protest tactics were a lot more successful in rallying support on our side, for example. Didn’t last more than a couple months, but still
Those weren’t meant as insults bro.
It’s something many/most of struggle with. It’s not a death sentence or a stain on your character or some kind of moral flaw.
It’s just how you communicate. It’s not conducive for true connection with others. That’s all I’m saying
I only started realizing it about me like the last 2 years. I never used to actually try and connect with people… like I’m doing now. Sucks it under these circumstances, but that’s life
I’m free all day man
You’re hurting bad buddy. Please go call someone that can help.
Lot of people still care about you on this dumb little site.
Never said this, but message me if you wanna talk. You definitely got a friend in me, if you can forgive that I upset you
I never insulted you, bud. Sorry if what I said hurt you. Hopefully we can work through this.
You certainly don’t deserve to be treated like shit, and I still think you’re pretty cool.
Hoping you get this and haven’t blocked me! lol
Sure but what’s their excuse? Is everyone simply a huge Meta investor? That’d be my best guess for how multiple people try to achieve something like this without looking at the consequences - personal gain. But I’m still inclined to believe these politicians/surrogates want to do a decent job and/or get re-elected
Bro, I don’t know you and I got nothing against ya. I absolutely appreciate you commenting on shit that might be dead otherwise.
That said, you’re kinda doing it right now. I’m saying you’re a bit too sure or yourself which could be an opportunity to reflect and understand why I would think that, but you’re more inclined to defend and lash out without trying to fully understand what I’m trying to communicate to you.
Please don’t take it the wrong way. This isn’t an attack on you as a person, but moreso maybe on how you communicate with others - not sure. I know for sure you got tons of cool personal traits. Your comic sub is awesome! This is just something most of us could/need to improve on. It probably wasn’t the best way to communicate it to you though. lol. Hope we cool! :)
You made a factual statement about the app pushing Chinese propaganda. I was wondering what the source was for that claim? Sorry I wasn’t clearer.
Also, lol. I wasn’t making fun of your age, I meant it as more of a statement of on your way of thinking. It’s very boomer-like - that is to say, you seem quite close-minded and stubborn and unwilling to consider that you might be wrong.
For sure. I just wonder why no one could see this coming. I get Biden is old as shit and ignorant af, but isn’t there supposed to be a team informing him on shit? I mean, guess the same goes for all the congress(wo)men that supported such a stupid, irrational policy
Dude makes great contributions - got no hate against him for that - but he’s a bit too sure of himself sometimes.
He also always seems to have some beef with the OP for some reason or another. They’re both like the only two names I easily recognize on Lemmy because of how active they are - ngl, I think that’s actually kinda neat, how small these communities are or whatever.
What absolutely atrocious politics
Also… ok boomer. lol
I clearly ain’t doing shit either. Don’t get me wrong.
I’m just saying let’s start by not being proud of being, at best, disorganized and powerless, and weak cowards at worst.
Let’s grieve properly. If we can get past denial, maybe we can then tap into some righteous fury in the people that support our cause(s).
Anyone else feel like giving fascists power makes us kinda like stupid af?
Idk, can’t help but see how pathetic it is to consider this something to be proud of. It’s like saying, “see, I finished everything on my plate!” when your plate was full of trash and shit when you relatively early could’ve said I’m not eating that /
I can only do the same. I pretty much exclusively read non-fiction but I’m about as far from toxic masculinity as you can be at this point
C’mon dude, the great depression? I’m obviously talking about our lifetimes. Was that a joke? Are you over 100 (and using Lemmy! wow)? More relevant to our chat, do you think the average dumbass American voter compares their life to people living 100 years ago or smth?
Sure, I’m totally the one nitpicking here.
Ok, let’s take a step back. I said Dems messaging on the economy sucked. Then, you shilled for brought up Harris and said her messaging was fine or maybe great - it obviously wasn’t since she lost and most voters cited the economy and/or inflation as their biggest concern (key data we should maybe consider here). You then linked an article quoting her. Let me know if I missed what you wanted me to see. Are you trying to say you believe that most Americans would’ve been swayed, or convinced she would really fix the economy?
We should try to understand the people we’re talking to in a conversation. It’s not productive to converse if you misunderstand or misrepresent their statements. So far this doesn’t seem very productive
You’ll note that’s very relevant here where what economists mean when they say economy (inflation rate/unemployment) is very different from what most working class Americans mean when they use the word (inflation impact/social mobility/monthly budget). Let me know if that’s not clear. It’s similar to how scientists use theory very differently to most laymen.
Sorry for the super slow response. Just got saw ur link.
I believe we have an extraordinary opportunity to make our middle class the engine of America’s prosperity, to build a stronger economy where everyone, everywhere has a chance to pursue their dreams an aspirations, and to ensure that the United States of America continues to out-innovate and out-compete the world,” said Harris
Imo, this is a silly and ridiculous thing to say. The economy is absolute shit, it’s not strong it’s worse than it’s ever been. She should’ve said, “to fix this absolutely broken, failed system that serves only the very wealthy” or something like that.
Also, I said Dems - I never even specified Harris. I had literal conversations with libs on Lemmy downvoting me for saying the economy was shit despite inflation being down and unemployment supposedly being low like I was going against the accepted talking point. The metrics economists use seem purposefully irrelevant,;most Americans don’t really give a shit about those things. This is how you have most Americans cheering for a CEO’s murderer.
I mean, really, a “strong economy”? What a joke at best, but what a backhanded insult to anyone struggling in the working class at worst.
That said, happy holidays!! We’ll figure this out together!
Thirty-six percent of millennials also said they were going through a midlife crisis, while only 15 percent of baby boomers said they experienced similar financial stress during early adulthood.
Yeah, Dems really have a lot of work to do to earn back the trust of most Americans.
Literally no one I know believes anything they say (or I say about them) or at best they’ll think it’s all performative (which they’re mostly right about). Most folks just don’t really care about news/politics and live normal American lives and feel the struggle. It’s mind blowing to me that our messaging was about how great the economy is and how much better is. Literal insane shit to most working class people.
Instead of saying the economy is great, they should use another word for what they mean, which is specifically like the rate of inflation/cost of very specific things or like a very specific unemployment rate. Whereas when regular people hear economy, they think of more abstract things like money in their pocket/savings, the cost of groceries, their ability to plan for the future based on stable finances, or even the increasing APR on the credit cards they owe (something we choose to ignore but many struggle with) - none of that shit is great, it’s literally worse than ever. lol
You and what army?
I mean, like are you from Iran another country likely to attack them or something? Who do you see attacking Israel, in that scenario
I didn’t downvote you, btw. Just wondering which one of us is more confused here. lol. No hate