That did surprise me as well. I might need to readjust my opinion of him.
That did surprise me as well. I might need to readjust my opinion of him.
Huh, feels like someone in their intelligence service realised “oh wow, you can sabotage infrastructure that way and pretend it was an accident!” and their handler decided to just do that and nothing else. Sure won’t help chinese merchant vessels and will probably damage any relations longterm. Good job, Xi.
“culturual differences” what the actual fuck.
This would be close to the maximum possible sentence in Germany, I assume France has similar rules.
There comes a certain point where wealth ceases to be a blessing, and managing it becomes a full time occupation. I can respect this decision.
All the more reason to level the playing field, eh?
“They … they’ve hit me, Finn” Enderal, a should-play
“Monstrous size has no intrinsic merit, unless inordinate exsanguination be considered a virtue.” And so SO many others from Darkest Dungeon. “Commander” from the newer X-Com games … tha dark, rapsy voice
Isn’t that Darkest Dungeon?
I think there used to be a teaching that depiction of humans was - for some reason - forbidden. But my source is the novel “Der Medicus” , so take that with a teaspoon of salt.
This headline could use some Mandy Rice-Davies.
It’s an anti-missile system. To shoot down incoming missiles.
It’s hard to believe someone can stomach to take a stance against such overwhelming cruelty - which was probably the intention. Not exactly a new form of terrorism, but shocking nonetheless.
Hot take.
That’s a fair assessment
I’ll probably have some tea, thanks :) Feel better now that I’ve slept
Considering all the provocation, I can’t say Israel might not be illegitimate. Did that offend you or scratch the wrong nerve? Maybe violence is never the right answer, but simpy the easier or even only one.
Sorry it had to be you, I’m probably looking for a fight right now. World’s been on my nerve.
Tbf both Rommel and Lee sort of undertook efforts to end the war. Should they have considered not fighting it in the first place? Sure, but that would have been too easy.