Fediverse ftw
Fediverse ftw
“First” attacks? Uhhh…
I’m never going to be able to retire. It must be nice
Yup… they’ll believe anything
Guess he built that “wall” after all
These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.
At least someone is standing up to these fuckers
What in the actual fuck?
What are they (I doubt he’s smart enough to pull all of this off on his own) doing while we’re all aghast at this stupidity?
One more reason I’ll never use Meta social media ever again. I’m not surprised
So, in other words… Big Brother is watching
SERIOUSLY? I’ll bet this fucker tries to gut 2A, too
Just want to say thanks for the pay paywall bypass
Can we get over this and focus on the real shit that Trump is fucking up?
I mean… CRTs were pretty heavy. No shaming. Curvy tvs need love, too
Are they the baddies? (Duh, obviously)
Hit him where it hurts… the bank account!
No doubt… I’d blame it mostly on racism, misogyny, and jingoism
Elect a clown, expect a circus
Not that I was going to play it anyway. Enjoy it if you want, though