Wow, even my pissant Midwest town has proper anti-vehicle roadblocks that they roll out for any parade or event
Wow, even my pissant Midwest town has proper anti-vehicle roadblocks that they roll out for any parade or event
Why do you think there is a push to get people back in the office?
Because the corporate realty market is a bubble, and companies have to find a way to justify big spends if they can’t get out of a lease, and plenty of corporate landlords can’t let people out of their leases because then their buildings would be underwater and likely forclosed?
Thanks for sharing! ByteStash and Bezel look like interesting projects, I’ll have to check them out at some point.
And those in occupied Poland were really German too.
Your exact words were
The notion that people are only wrong even if they are right. The idea that a bad person can’t change. Even if they do an empathetic action and care about someone they are still and will only ever be wrong.
If that’s not what you meant, try to retype your comment so it says what you mean. Because what you said can’t really be parsed to mean
The point of the phrase is that even people who are full of bad ideas occasionally come up with a good one.
Yes. “I was pro-defendant before the end of the first paragraph.” = “I agreed with this position before the end of the first section of words”
Without something to negate that statement, the statement’s meaning is exactly what it says.
The notion that people are only wrong even if they are right.
That’s literally the opposite of what it means though. The point of the phrase is that even people who are full of bad ideas occasionally come up with a good one.
The idea that a bad person can’t change. Even if they do an empathetic action and care about someone they are still and will only ever be wrong.
That requires them to actually change their ways, rather than having a good point mixed in with poisonous ones.
So yeah, RFK is a broken clock.
I was pro-defendant before the end of the first paragraph. Someone suing someone else for ‘stealing’ their ‘minimalist aesthetic’ deserves to lose and get a lesson from the ol’ clue by four.
[X] Doubt
If your comment ever starts with “are you saying”, the answer is no.
And also
Elon Musk Is a
Paid Subscriber to ShockinglyRacist Pro-Apartheid South AfricanX Account
Are these users spending their off time sampling lead paint chips? It took me less than 5 minutes to cancel my subscription when I decided I needed to save money last month.
Man, I love how people give no agency to companies like this. Mainly because it shows they’re entirely ignorant of the state of the world outside of their very limited knowledge and incorrect beliefs about it.
Probably just a hold over from when I was first learning. Had issues with a couple services not actually updating without it, so I just do it to be absolutely sure. Also, I only ever run one app per compose, so that forces a “reboot” of the whole stack when I update.
But rebuilding your container is pretty trivial from the command line all said and done. I have something like this alias’d in my .bashrc to smooth it along:
Docker compose pull; docker compose down; docker compose up -d
I regularly check on my systems and go through my docker dirs and run my alias to update everything fairly simply. Add in periodic schedule image cleanups and it has been humming along for a couple years for the most part (aside from one odd software issues and hardware failures).
How often are there issues with dependencies? Is that a problem with a lot of software these days?
I started using docker 3-4 years ago specifically because I kept having issues with dependencies of one app breaking others, but I also tend to run a lot of services per VM. Honestly, the overhead of container management is infinitely preferable to the overhead that comes with managing OS level stuff. But I’m also not a Linux expert, so take that for what you will.
Bannon literally compared this to the time period of the Nazis coming to power.
Honestly, why would he? The legal action has been fairly toothless, and haven’t been trying super hard to stop more than the worst of his embezzlement. Sure they’re going to liquidate and close Infowars (which is basically worthless without Jones), but he’s already setting up all kinds of shell companies and new operations to move his listeners to.
I’d like to hope they’ll keep coming after his new shit, but their kid gloves so far have only encouraged him to keep at it while only moderating his speech enough to not get him in the same water.
I bet the kids feel lied to, so probably decepticons
Suspend their license to do business, see how quickly they pay up. Lien their goddamned property or something at all for fucks sake.