Mate, they made a joke. Kinda like the ones the celebrated George Carlin made.
Mate, they made a joke. Kinda like the ones the celebrated George Carlin made.
Did you understand what they said? Great! They did perfectly fine then. Waste less energies.
It’s as likely your top 30 or so pages are AI generated, paid results, SEO optimized shit, etc that’s just as unsavory. No one says you can’t verify information, and probably should anyway, be it one search result verifying another, a bunch of commenters verifying each other, or verifying the two against each other.
Fuckin right lol? Why else do we exist, socially, if not to share cool shit with each other? Be it knowledge, a cool cat pic, a song you wrote, or eventually genetic material, arguably the “point” of sexual reproduction, maybe even life. I think now more than ever we should be hesitant to telling anyone to outsource any of that part of humanity to our AI overlords.
“just Google it” has always been a shitty reply. People are asking for your opinion because they want opinions from people, not some nameless site/author/whatever. Even if you’re just regurgitating information, it’s coming from a PERSON not a random article. Never mind the reliability of the source. Heavens forbid that we social creatures social about a thing for a bit.
Implying management is human work?
Denuvo is also subscription based. It’ll be pulled off the game eventually. I can wait.
I don’t want that disease vector anywhere near my dangly bits, thanks.
Can confirm. I’m playing through my 4th total playthrough (once on launch, once about 6mo later, one on the DLC launch and one now) and the last two have been noticeable in terms of quality improvements. I’m playing modded to shit, but only have had a few crashes. Police feel fine now, I’m not using anything that alters their spawn logic. Just about the only thing I’ve not enjoyed still is driving, even modded to hell lmao
It also provides a raised grip for removing, but they could do both of those without THAT shape. Even rotating the hole 90 degrees would make it a little better on the key ring and still keep those marginal benefits.
I love the documentation.
Just… Why is it shaped like that? What possessed Samsung to make that design…?
Oh neat. This is all taxonomy that is well beyond me. My defense of calling humans monkeys is that everyone does it, and that’s how language works. Glad to know I’m correct too, technically lol
Ol Bill Shakespeare. He wrote Hamlet, one correct letter at a time.
To be entirely fair, apes aren’t monkeys. I don’t think that particular distinction is really all that relevant to the discussion, but technically…
Technically true, I think it still fits for the layman.
Gyrategun. Shiversword. Vibratevibrator. Fidgetfalchion.
Weird how neither of those numbers are infinities. Almost like the numbers used are unfathomably small in comparison.
I would place money on some enthusiast somewhere having typed up Hamlet on a typewriter just for kicks. Surely in the hundreds of years of overlap between humanity, Hamlet, and typewriters, it’s happened once. I’d be more concerned with typos.
I think the point is less about any kind of route to Hamlet, and more about the absurdity of infinite tries in a finite space(time). There are a finite (but extremely large) number of configurations of English characters in a work the length of Hamlet. If you have truly an infinite number of attempts (monkeys, time, or both are actually infinite) and the trials are all truly random (every character is guaranteed to have the same chance as every other) then you will necessarily arrive at that configuration eventually.
As far as your process, of procedurally generating each letter one by one until you have the completed works, we actually have a monkey who more or less did that already. His name is William.
Y’all bots?