Someone still took the time to downvote your opinion that it ‘was fine’. The vitriol towards any positive or neutral comment is why I think it’s a specific group of people actually complaining, a fair share with “it could have been better, and it’s not my style of rpg anymore”, and the remainder just being relatively neutral to happy that they got more dragon age.
My brother is a car salesman, I was a car salesman, it’s sleaze all the way to the top. Never met an honest car salesman, and the ones that were semi decent were still pumping their fists over 12-pounders sold to unwitting and often financially compromised individuals
“Don’t manage someone else’s money” was the sentiment I was told time and again if i dared bring up how shitty it was to even offer an old woman with poor credit a $700/mo payment on a shit CVT ass lease.
You don’t have to be a cop, you don’t have to sell insurance, you don’t have to sell cars. Calling jobs primarily inhabited by manipulative people ‘slimy’ is just how that works.