Let’s rename it to “Accounts Receivable” and really run this country like a business.
Let’s rename it to “Accounts Receivable” and really run this country like a business.
Before going homeless, there will be a massive uptick in reverse mortgages. Remember that most retirees were able to buy houses back when they were super cheap. A reverse mortgage gives them income while effectively selling the equity in their home. As is often the case, they will be screwing over their kids and grandkids. There won’t even be a house (owned) to inherit upon their death.
The executor will be forced to sell the house to pay off the reverse mortgage, often at a discount, to exactly the types you describe.
In the meantime, you can turn off a lot of Google’s tracking, or at least their record keeping. Make sure you’ve disabled all of the tracking you can.
I won’t speak to how the UK does things, but in the US this would make for an easier criminal charge.
It can be difficult to prove that someone stole (or is about to steal) a car, or broke in to steal the contents. This is especially true if they weren’t apprehended in or with the vehicle itself. But if they are arrested on suspicion, and one of these devices is found on them, they can very easily be prosecuted for possession of criminal tools. It’s similar to how we normies can’t legally own a lockpicking kit unless we’re locksmiths.
Not removed - never added to the US designs. They were added afterwards to models being sold in places that require them.
Do you have a source on that? I remember Neil DeGrasse Tyson getting a bunch of heat for claiming 5:1, although that may have used different criteria.
Edit: It was 5:1 according to https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/neil-degrasse-tyson-vax-tweet/
Also no source indicated.
laws have to apply to people I dislike as much as they apply to people I like.
Is that the case today?
I appreciate that people are correctly labeling it as a threat. Far too many have used overly soft language to downplay what’s going on.
It’s since been updated, although I’m not sure the changes are any better. More clinical, I guess.
Goodwin was sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2015 for 1st degree criminal sexual act and 1st degree sexual abuse, according to state prison records. He was released in 2023.
The victims were a 7-year-old boy and a 9-year-old girl, according to the state sex offender’s registry.
In order to do business in Mexico, they must agree to Mexican laws.
In order to do business in Canada, they must follow Canadian laws.
In order to do business in the US, they must follow US laws kiss the ring.
This isn’t the first time big tech has had to tackle something like this. Usually it’s with disputed territory. In that case, each region gets to see what it demands to see, while presenting something different to the rest of the world.
I’m guessing this is all just a ploy to make Lockheed, Northrup, and Raytheon kiss the ring.
Next week, all the classified work will be contracted to them for a steal of only thrice the price, but only once they’ve publicly kissed his ass enough.
Just so we’re all on the same page, they aren’t meeting to negotiate peace. They’re meeting to divide assets. It’s probate, basically.
Fun fact: it was known as the “Spanish” flu because Spain was neutral in WW1, and thus was one of the few countries to report on it freely and openly. The earliest recorded case was from Kansas, US.
Couldn’t they just ignore the courts though?
I’ve found it to have extremely limited value, but not zero. It’s been useful as a shortcut for things I can already do myself. For instance, I can easily get syntax for a param block, or build a window form. Could I do it myself? Absolutely, and pretty easily. And I can recognize when it’s right vs wrong. But it’s marginally faster to have copilot do it instead of digging up the documentation.
It’s more like a party trick than a trillion dollar revolution. The $20/month for a full time dev is probably around the break even point for the labor savings. It’s not going to save THAT much time.
It seems that some people don’t get the joke. At least, I assume it’s a joke.
You should never trust the word of someone with a conflict of interest. The people selling a product will ALWAYS tell you that it’s perfectly safe, easy, reliable, etc. Because above all else, they need to sell it to you. Telling you anything else would risk the sale.
That also includes paid sponsorships.
I’d be interested in seeing where the inflation was higher than expectations. He’s only been in office a few weeks; most of these markets don’t react that quickly.
Edit: Ahh, Lemmy. Where people get down voted for wanting more information.
Less of a bank, and more like livestock. And you’ve seen how they treat other forms of livestock.