It’s not part of the government. It will have no power or influence. It’s a set piece, just part of the show. The point is to pretend to be focused on government waste and to bring in smart outsiders to do it. The point is to get liberals pissed off so Republicans can tell voters Democrats are so out of touch, they get mad at anything Trump does, even cutting government waste. It won’t end up even issuing recommendations or doing anything, we’ll all just forget about it in two weeks. Trump gets the headline, the reaction from libs who just love government waste, further eating into our negative perception among voters, and we’ll all move on to the next outrage in the Trump show.
Learn the lesson now. Don’t react to every dumb thing Trump does. He’s a showman, there will always be a next act to keep the masses entertained, we don’t have to play a supporting role all the time. Roll your eyes, demand he follow through and show results, ridicule him for failure when nothing comes of it. Save the outrage for when people are getting hurt.
I look forward to Republicans in the House holding hearings to get to the bottom of this. Because Republicans held hearings when they accused social media of censoring conservative opinions. Because Republicans care about free speech. And even though this effects free speech of the other party, Republicans still care about free speech, right? Republicans will hold social media companies accountable for any censorship of political speech, right? Guys? There are going to be hearings right? Well, at least if not journalists are going to press those committee members about the inconsistency, right? Journalists will surely do their jobs. Right guys?