They don’t know how it works, but they roughly kind of know how to operate it. And they mistake their years of experience for the intuitivness.
They don’t know how it works, but they roughly kind of know how to operate it. And they mistake their years of experience for the intuitivness.
As of the 2021 census, nearly 6 million people (16% of the total Canadian population) lived in rural areas of Canada.
84% of Canadians live in cities, and that’s where good urban infrastructure is the most needed.
Making car-centric infrastructure mostly electric will help a bit, but not a whole lot.
America is racist as fuck. Be glad they still care a little about at least someone. Maybe through that there will be at least some relief for people they really hate. At least accidental.
The problem with Linux is that it is not tech-normie friendly.
That probably was true 15 years ago. That is absolutely not true now. This misconception stems from the fact that most tech normies have a lot of experience with Windows through job, so people assume Windows is friendly, but in reality they just know how it works.
Learning how to use Linux is dead easy. It’s not popular because it’s not pre installed, as you said, but it’s not because the OS is bad, it’s because Linux doesn’t have multibillion corporation behind it to make sure its everywhere.
Isn’t it the opposite? Free trade has ended like you wanted, but it didn’t make things better
World wars are a knife to the throat. The patient suddenly cares very little about some long term illness when he got a knife stuck in his throat.
It makes no sense to put your hands up and say "well, cars are bad.
Nobody is doing that. We’re saying “cars are bad, let’s put money and effort to alternatives so people use less cars”. Putting effort into squeezing more cars on the roads is literally the opposite of that goal. This change, like many other one-more-line-bro changes might look cool, but will make situation worse, if the change will even happen at all.
Do you need me to repeat it using simpler language?
I’m not religious?
The answer to this question is no, but it’s the least of your problems here.
Not really, no. US went there, destroyed a bunch of shit, played around for couple of decades, and went home. They didn’t lose much (occasional humans don’t count, who counts a bunch of kids with guns), that was basically a play so the ghouls can watch some people die, par for the course. US didn’t lose anything substantial ever and never was in a war that was important for them ever since that one with Mexico.
If the law only applies to some people and not the others, it’s not a good law. If the law selective doesn’t apply if you want to hurt other people, it’s your moral duty to ignore it and deal with the problem.
But it’s mostly because of you people. You make their lifes miserable by pointless moralisation. You are the reason the industry is full of shady monsters, you made it that way with your constant religious fever.
US didn’t spent most of it’s money on army for nothing. Doesn’t matter if the army is as powerful as it says it is, the image is strong enough, so nobody will dare.
The only way it will crumble down is if they do “putin gambit”, really attack someone, fail spectacularly at it, expose inability to do shit, and get 50 square kilometres of baren wasteland for it.
Apparently AMD wasn’t able to make socketed RAM work, timings aren’t viable. So Framework has the choice of doing it this way or not doing it at all.
They somehow managed to lose without actually getting into a war. It’s very impressive actually, being that bad.
It would be double illegal for them to do that. If they do that it means both NATO and EU are already dead.
There was scaling, but it was done pretty sensibly, compared to Oblivion
I have lost all faith in the ability of the American people to achieve anything of substance.
Pretend what? Pretend that you (and also everone else) don’t have an insight into how their algorithms work, besides their words? We need to pretend that?
That’s the thing, with infrastructure you don’t need special gear to ride in winter. You commute on your commuter bike in your regular clothes that you use for everything else. You don’t need to run crazy speeds or jump over crazy hills, you ride you commuter with the same intensity you would have if you just walk.