It’s basic Tory strategy.
It’s basic Tory strategy.
Here’s a little explanation as to the differences with US chocolate.
The bit about Butyric Acid explains why US chocolate tastes literally like vomit; it’s the component in vomit that gives it the distinctive taste and smell.
When Hershey’s products came to the UK they initially had to be relabelled to reflect the extremely low cocoa content and be called “chocolate flavored candy bar”.
Ironically, the article references Cadbury.
Whenever I hear Kraft I instantly think of a block of cooking fat. With Cadbury it’s the same block of fat but brown.
This shouldn’t come as a surprise. Since its takeover by Kraft/Mondelez their chocolate has become poorer quality. As soon as the Cadbury name was being licenced to various other diversified food products (ice cream, cakes etc.) it was a sign of what was to come. Sad. Still not as bad as Hershey’s though.
“I have zero evidence for this…”
Says it all really.
The Japanese branch of the Taliban.
Wages have been driven down to such low levels. Pay more then they’ll have a better chance of filling those vacancies. There was a time that one parent could support a household, now it requires two and then it barely covers the bills.
The very companies that do not want to pay a fair and decent wage yet happily throw money at the directors will wonder why they’ve gone bust when their customers no longer have surplus income to buy their goods. Pubs are a good example.
Expensive products are far from any guarantee of good quality. Cookers are a good example. The expensive ones invariably have identical components to the cheaper models such as the energy regulators or thermocouples.
It’s a mixed bag causing two divides.
The first affecting the business with the savings to be had on reduced office space requirements weighed up against perceived lower productivity.
The second, workers enjoying reduced travel costs and convenience but offset the home stops being a home and loneliness.