They don’t work on Linux. No matter who or what you want to blame. Also, yes VR works if you go crazy trying to get it to work.
They don’t work on Linux. No matter who or what you want to blame. Also, yes VR works if you go crazy trying to get it to work.
And so Cod works now? Yeah, that’s not a thing. Does Paladins work? Oh, yeah crap. Was GTA V online compatibility killed? It was? Oh, damn. Does Destiny 2 work? Oh, you mean the developers threatened people with bans if they tried to play the game on Linux? Oh, oh crap. How is VR going on Linux? Not well.Oh, damn. 🤔
The games already are movies. Nothing but cut scenes.
That’s great if you don’t care about playing online games and are okay with games you buy becoming incompatible.
Bubba loves when pretty boys go to prison. 😈
Welcome back to Firefox everyone! At least if you’re as old or older than I. 😁
Reward bad behavior. Go ahead. Lol.
Yeah I have a Legion Go.
I won’t be buying a Switch 2 and if I can’t pirate Nintendos games I won’t play them. I refuse to reward them for their bad behavior. Like a little child who throws tantrums they belong in the time out area.
What did dear leader do to these republicans? 😯
Didn’t he try to use the military the last time and he was told no? What a psycho.
Isn’t he supposed to be liquidating his equipment and not using it to get into more trouble. 🤔
I mean Flint’s problems were caused by switching the water source to save money, not lead pipes. However, replacing lead pipes would be great as well. Most drinking water in America is very safe though. It just tastes like crap.
“Fuck the climate! What about my bank account?!”
So this is why my TV walked into the bathroom while I was dropping a deuce. 🤔
I used to love spreading their entrails all over the sidewalk as a kid. It was so pretty! I’m probably responsible for this. 🤔
They can’t have anyone but themselves breaking the site. 😂 People should figure out a good way to protest Reddit. Ddos attacks can’t be fixed. 😁
But it’s such a nice door stop! 😢
VR on Linux is a pain in the ass to set up and while Valve has done a great job you still can’t rust that all your games will work. Linux is amazing for web browsing, document editing, and retro gaming. Especially if you don’t wanna deal with Microsoft but it’s average for modern gaming. It’s still not there yet.