Let the branches be forced to fight it out like a bunch of children in front of the SCOTUS; who will probably gleefully say “AHAHAHAH NOPE! You both get nothing, and I keep all of this power to myself.”
Let the branches be forced to fight it out like a bunch of children in front of the SCOTUS; who will probably gleefully say “AHAHAHAH NOPE! You both get nothing, and I keep all of this power to myself.”
This 100%.
The more valuable and critical a government employee knows they are; the more effective they can be by doing this.
Everyone in any federal agency who is resisting and who is being ordered to do something they object to should be falling to this maliciously compliant default to the maximum extent they can afford to do so. Gum up the works; extend out projects, stretch deadlines out, passively resist every step of the way and insist that every possible reasonable rule be followed to it’s exact and literal definition…even if it’s not common practice or expedient.
Exhaust the servants of the tyrant of their every resource; run these liaisons ragged; overload them with petty questions and minor, but critical, decisions; especially if they’re bogged down. If you can make them quit or get fired by the cheeto in a non suspicious way; all the better. Making it impossible to keep a liaison in your department will keep them guessing if they keep quitting on their own due to extreme stress and overwork.
Anybody who is a Political Appointee should be considered a hostile co-worker automatically and kept out of every loop possible. Make them battle for every inch of information or status updates and give as little information as you can while only answering explicit questions. Bonus points if management is in on the game; and can ping-pong any information requests around violently across all the various managers and supervisors who each only leak a tiny tidbit of information.
If the constitution decrees it; sure. I think death is too kind though. But it might be the only option; seeing as how the next GOP idiot who takes the Oval Office will probably pardon him out of it.
That is our worst federal prison by far; and it’s no longer only a military-prison; with the immigrants stopping there. :)
Good. Let the courts resist him on all fronts for what he is; a fascist. The more legal material the Democrats have laid at their feet; the faster they can use it to rebuild and build the case against Trump to convict him of base tyranny, treachery and treason.
Trump deserves to rot in solitude in our worst federal prison until he expires naturally.
We don’t have to. The straws will do all the heavy lifting for us. /s
It’s insidious stuff, those PFAS. :3
The shocked anger reaction coming from Trump is priceless as he finds out that there really weren’t as many immigrants as the far-right proclaimed there to be.
No doubt that number got inflated, much like it would in a game of telephone, when it was making furious rounds through the conservative disinformation machine. I hope he feels just as stupid as anyone who voted for him and are finding out that he really did not represent their ideals nor their best interests after all.
Yes, Please.
Regardless of that; another shenanigan exists for those who did make it to the polls; Gerrymandering.
Yes; it’s horrid as it sounds and it limits the voting power of lower class people, as well as the power of people who are considered to be “ethnic minorities” by the party in power. If there’s a neighborhood of blacks next to a poor neighborhood; well both find themselves districted together and their cumulative votes are diminished by how the votes are counted by district such that a 2-3 victory for Democrats; is actually counted as a 2-3 victory for the Republicans…all because the Republicans were already in power somehow and managed to re-district the place so that the vote result never changes anything…unless the unlikely event that all three neighborhoods choose to vote the same way occurs.
Yet another shenanigan exists where voting rolls are frequently “purged” due to false assertions of fraud and onerous and routine registration becomes necessary, which isn’t a problem if you don’t work full-time in the USA; but good luck getting a day off work if you do work full-time and need to vote. (Hint: YOU DON’T; OR ELSE YOU GET FIRED WITH NO RECOURSE!)
Even if that wasn’t enough already; many times the voting times, locations, dates and even rules change from year-to-year, and sometimes even month-to-month.
What worked this time might not work next time. From ID requirements to ballot order manipulation or even other flat out shady practices like misleading or leading poll questions on the ballot are all employed.
The media is even worse; and frequently spouts simple and blatant lies. they could literally be absolutely passionate about their issue in particular and still end up being misled or lied to; as there’s no accountability for this. This would result in mistakenly casting a vote for the wrong candidate who would then go on to not represent the will or needs of the citizens voting for them once they’re in power.
The average American, just simply can’t always be on top of every one of these things 24/7. It’s easy to get taken by any one of them by surprise.
^ Another American here; and I second this notion! ^
there will be bills brought to the floor that require raw milk to be served at elementary schools.
So prove that is what they are doing. Otherwise your argument is just pure hyperbole. I get that conservatives are dangerously stupid; but don’t spread falsehoods; that’s how they get a turn at the stump to convince more people to join their stupid cause.
Just because it can, does not mean it will. I’ve yet to see any hard evidence of probabilities either; but I welcome any evidence one might present to that effect. I am always skeptical of science news reporting; as oftentimes they blow things out of proportion.
If they want to drink raw milk and cough their lungs out; I am not going to stop them. The conservatives clearly wish to be left alone in their stupidity and lack of education, and we can’t force them to pursue knowledge.
I also suspect that the bird flu (H5N1) is not (as of yet, at the time this post was written…) likely to mutate to spread in a human-to-human context. It’s not impossible for it to do so though…but the mutation(s) have not yet reached a point where humans can pass it on to each other by breathing the same air; I would guess that a significant contact (Like breathing, eating or touching a very very very large amount of a bodily output that contains the virus) is likely needed to spread that virus; as that’s how it’s spread from animal to human so far. TL;DR: I could be wrong; but I don’t believe it’s capable of a pandemic yet. Science has not yet presented enough strong evidence that this is spreading from person to person. I welcome any citations to prove that wrong however. Thankfully I’m not conservative, and do welcome being shown that my suppositions are indeed wrong; as long as it’s done respectfully.
If I can’t buy it, and own it, for a reasonable price - Piracy is acceptable. Copyright holders are required to sell/license their product in an accessible and reasonable manner in order to assert their copyright over consumers.
If I can’t legally obtain a copy for a period of time longer than a year - Piracy is acceptable. Withholding copyrighted products to make them artificially scarce or to manipulate sales of other products is the same as the previous scenario; it is a failing to sell your product in an accessible manner.
If the only manner of sale is ‘a streaming license of the content’ - Piracy is acceptable. If I cannot go to any retailer and buy a physical copy legitimately, expect users to ignore unreasonable terms of sale to access their content in a format of their choosing. This physically sold copy may be reasonably more expensive than the digital license edition; but not over significantly in excess of the cost of box/media/cover art. Make a profit; not a mint.
If the only version of physical media is over-encumbered with Rights Management or other digital restrictions - Piracy is acceptable. Sold physical copies must be playable on any compatible device as determined by the media format with minimal exceptions. We shouldn’t need to connect our BluRay players to the internet every month to pull fresh certs down and lose the ability to play new BluRays when the player runs out of cert storage or becomes unsupported.
Imagine if this plate display could be driven by a low-end smartphone app running software that keeps GPS track of the vehicle;
In 1997; I was walking about 2 miles to and from school. Unsupervised. I had a house key on my neck and was a latchkey kid in third grade. I obediently walked to and from school directly from home; meeting the crossing guard a half mile from school twice a day; as I had to cross a major 4 lane divided highway.
I’ve always hated Crustyroll.
Crustyroll got it’s start by standing on the backs of good noble fansubbers who provided their subs for free; and now they’ve come full circle. They became an enemy rather quickly when it profited them.
The reason things like Alcohol are “considered and generally recognized as safe” has a lot to do with their effect length on the body. It’s possible to isolate someone intoxicated this way for up to 24 hours and see them recover all of their facilities in the short term.
Granted; it still has long-term effects that are bad, just not show-stoppingly so, and it only affects people who actually abuse the stuff long-term for many years.
I do agree we should be a lot tougher on Alcohol use in general. Maybe not Prohibition levels; but some framework to cut off people from acquiring quantities that can intoxicate them so badly that they pose a danger to themselves and others.
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