Eh I see the point you’re making but cartels in Mexico are a whole other breed to what’s here in the US. Our politicians aren’t being murdered in droves by cartels like they are in Mexico.
Eh I see the point you’re making but cartels in Mexico are a whole other breed to what’s here in the US. Our politicians aren’t being murdered in droves by cartels like they are in Mexico.
Hey man, there’s no need to lump the taint lickers in with this guy.
These things always annoy the hell out of me. Not because they’re giving the game away so soon after release, but because they always say they’re giving the games away for free when they’re not. You have to have a PS+ account to play these. If you ever unsub you lose access to these games until you subscribe again. My library of games that I own should not be a subscription service. If you’re giving me a “free” game it should actually be free and not contigent upon a $70 yearly fee. Xbox used to do the same thing but you actually got to keep your games if you ever unsubscribed from live gold.
There we go. I was waiting to be represented.
I was playing arkham knight last night on geforce now and I could not for the life of me get the fancy fog and debris to work. Every time I’d turn them on the game would tell me I need to restart. Once I did the settings would just revert. Even though I had the option turned on to have Geforce now save my game configs. At the time I thought it was a bug since afaik the 4080 they’re using on their rigs supports these features fine. Now I’m wondering if it was an intentional choice to not allow those features on GeForce Now so as not to make the 50 series cards look bad.
“We got rid of the lidar sensors on our cars because they weren’t needed. Instead we zip tied some gopros to the front. Trust me. They’re just as good. You definitely won’t die.”
I mean so? Are people not allowed to have nice things?
Every minority player should sit out the Superbowl then. See how good a game we get with only tight ends, QBs, and Kickers.
It’s hilarious to me to see something actually get a priest kicked out of the Catholic church.
Like, isn’t that an admission that your business has no value?
Until it eventually does come to steam. Please don’t listen to these fuckers. They will say whatever they can for profit. It wouldn’t be the first time these people have lied about this exact thing only for the game to come to steam a year later.
So another linear game series going semi-openworld. I’m hoping this turns out well but I’m getting some serious shades of Halo Infinite here.
So why exactly are we focusing on LGBTQ+ peoples here? Obviously they are equally deserving of protections just like everyone else, but This appears to read like we’re getting rid of DEI hiring practices entirely. Seems like something that would affect all protected groups. And arguably, racial minorities are a much larger group of people that are going to be hurt by this. Focusing on the gender binary thing really feels like distraction from the wider implications this has.
And the companies immediately coming out saying they’re ending their DEI practices before Trump was even in office really shows you how performative their adherance to the law really was. It really perfectly demonstates why we need these laws in the first place when companies are this eager to be openly against anti-discrimination.
Fervently Supporting a thing you wouldn’t support if you just gave a little critical thought to the matter feels uniquely American.
Cant wait for the US government to subsidize the production of The Expendables 2025 starring Donald Trump and a band of old fuckers nobody cares about anymore saving an election from being stolen by some racist charicature.
If it’s anything like how the Wii was basically a GameCube it may not even be all that hard to rework existing switch emulators to work with switch 2 games. Given that it’s going to have full back compat I bet that’s why they went after switch emus so hard. They wanted to halt development as much as possible for as long as possible so it doesn’t eat away at their switch 2 sales.
Genki: “we bought this switch 2 model off the black market”
Nintendo: “we did not provide the switch 2 to Genki”
Yes, we know. You’re not telling us anything new.
Also it’s what Dragon Ball is based on and it’s a primary influence for most if not all Shonen anime.
Its like getting upset when two different projects are made based on the Greek Pantheon.
I mean. It doesn’t have to be scarier than those things to be worthy of fear. A tiger isn’t necessarily any scarier than a lion. Doesn’t mean I’m not scared of a tiger mauling me if it got its claws on me
Totally going to be a rebranded MSI Claw mark my words.