Considering Israel reneged on it as soon as Biden is leaving may be that they were planning to do this all along and wanted to wait for more favorable concessions from Trump.
Considering Israel reneged on it as soon as Biden is leaving may be that they were planning to do this all along and wanted to wait for more favorable concessions from Trump.
To no one’s surprise
Yeah, was pretty dubious about it when I read the headline yesterday.
Hopefully she’ll shuffle off her mortal coil
You’re good thank you for the info, in this and my other comment my point is that unless one is a gun enthusiast there is little chance we are going to know these things. I have a family member and a friend that would know all this but they spend a lot of time a money with their hobby, me by comparison, am am absolute casual.
Also, when I did my first competitive shooting circuit my gun jammed, I struggled with clearing the obstruction and carrying on, lost a ton of time. This guy reracked the shots pretty calmly and cleanly, certainly was familiar with this gun and ammo combo.
Ah, so that’s why he had to rack the slide in-between shots. Yeah, that’s stuff only an absolute gun nerd is going to take into account without having practiced.
Lol I don’t give a fuck, if I had a functional democracy with justice then maybe k would care, but this system is clearly FUBAR
A few purple haired girlies were mean to him on twitter
I now see Rogan as our generations Rush Limbaugh. He fell so far, I used to enjoy listening to his podcast and now he’s just a rich, bitter, insular propaganda mouthpiece.
Funny cause I reduced my recent reddit usage cause I got tired of the toxic post election political liberal cope
What do you mean?
Been running into some poets lately here on lemmy
Democrats are not a real party, it’s just controlled opposition at this point.
I’m shocked I tell you
Wish we had our own troll farms
Squeeze in a couple before last call