Their utility in both sexual and nonsexual applications makes coverage for just one use impractical. Soil testing machines and powdered metal formers use condoms to contain the loose material in the pressure vessel. They make hilarious balloons. They can keep gunpowder dry in combat.
I interned at a reseach lab that had powdered metal machines that used condoms. For a while, condoms were available as an open stores item. They pulled them due to way more being consumed than made sense for the amount of powdered metal research.
I think the foothold thought was that pasteurization destroys more than just bacteria, and milk might be healthier and/or tastier without having been changed by that process. Of course taste is largely culturally acquired - example A being Germans and UHT milk - but lots of people fancy themselves taste-o-philes.
Then the mistrust of “them” kicked in, and if “they” said the risk of pathogenic bacteria far outweighed any marginal health benefit, the “truth” must be the opposite.