Plz free Raven from the CoD mines, they deserve so much better.
Plz free Raven from the CoD mines, they deserve so much better.
But what if I wanna feel like one of those hip young old folks from the soda commercial?
I’d guess pride colors, depictions of Blahaj (that IKEA shark that’s popular among trans folks), stuff of the sorts. Stuff that right wingers get offended by.
Zortch is a neat one, less Quake and more early 2000s FPS feel. Pre-Doom 3, pre-HL2 in gameplay, but with the style of comedy and charm you’d get out of a Shiny Entertainment game. Very much a solo labor of love, and it’s only like $5 if memory serves me right.
Get Vikas Music, he’s based enough to put it to eurobeat.
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Swear to fuck, don’t give them ideas.
Oh I use it as an ADHD management tool! All the organization and productivity stuff of a smartphone with none of the distractions or dark patterns. Mine is a Sony PEG-UX50, top of the line for 2003 and distinctly 2000s Sony in appearance, function, and annoyances.
Heck, I’ve got it on both my android phone and my Palm PDA. Worth having it on both.
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It’s a 3rd person shooter where the hacking and slashing are necessary for gaining health back, if memory serves me right. Get in there, get aggressive, curbstomp a motherfucker and gain health back.
One named DOGE because meeeeeeeeeeeeemz.
Glory be to Vandora.
It’s a 512x512 resolution texture in a game from 1998 back when 480p was standard and 320p was still pretty common. It was very important that you saw those breats.
Just for gits 'n shiggles or something along the lines?
Corrected, thanks.
Unrelated, but genuine curiosity - Why the usage of the thorn eth rather than spelling the word “the” out? Ain’t bothered by it or nothin’, just interesting to see out in the wild online!
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Wishing you the best of luck regardless, mate. You aren’t alone in this.
Oh, what a shame.
Say, any of you folks find any neat music lately? I’ve been obsessed with Charanjit Singh’s 10 Ragas to a Disco Beat, myself.