These people have different problems all together. Do you think they want self actualize,find themselves or some shit? Lol 😂 divorce
These people have different problems all together. Do you think they want self actualize,find themselves or some shit? Lol 😂 divorce
Fuck Off, He is far right even in the US.
Ist Elon Arsch oder Eimer oder beides?
I hear there are 3 or for 4 candidates for chancellor now one is a lesbian Nazi bitch living in Switzerland so no, no wehrhafte Demokratie.
All candidates are not well liked in terms of approval ratings so hooray 2025.
No it never ends, do you still prefer to live in your mom’s basement because you love it so much?
Buy dongles and splitter dongles.
With this design you have a few fans closer to your ears. That will also sound retro. Not 100 percent convinced.
Be like my smart friend and put fridge magnets on it
I mean how bad can it be, some hooker shitting in his mouth? That’s not good enough for all this.
Russian propaganda never tells the truth. It’s always a flower basket of bullshit that idiots of different flavors can jump on to. Perfect bluff, no one knows what they are planning.
Or they are drunk uncles with zero brain cells. That’s also a possibility.
Yes because fuck Elon. His own postings have a multiplicatior and things he does not like have the opposite. What’s the point of using his shitty right wing platform?
You have to engage with them? Dumbass, these people do not play fair. I hate how legacy media foolishly embraced these idiots playing fair and now guess what.
“Precious bodily fluids…”
I agree on tobacco, maybe some DIY type of vaping is OK.
The rest is fine and if you consume any of these plants like fly agaric then you just have to know what you are doing.
Compared to alcohol anamita muscaria may have a better profile.
He is 80 years old and talks about cats eating dogs and that is just not winning debates.
People killed are just numbers so weird people don’t understand this.
All these drugs you cite as negative examples have a really good safety profile. So no idea why you do that.
A couple years ago this would have been a strange headline, today not so much.
Things you will rarely read about democrats: “said batshit insane stuff on some hentai forum”
Did some companies really go back to the office100%? We sure did not, going to the office is more of a social thing, maybe for all hands meetings, customer presentations and that kind of stuff.
The company wins because they can have a shiny office in the city that does not need to have workplaces for all employees but maybe 20% of them at a time.
With all the weird stuff that people do at home, productivity is still higher. In times of crunch working from home has saved me more than once. Etc blabla is this really still a discussion nowadays?
Can that sprayed turkey just croak in one or two years, please God?