Yep. If you don’t show me what I want without jumping through hoops. I’m gone.
Yep. If you don’t show me what I want without jumping through hoops. I’m gone.
Make the pay option less shitty than pirating. That’s all it takes.
Is it gonna be called the SwitchU?
Ok. Chrome sucks. Brave sucks. What’s good. Firefox?
Depends on the contract you agreed to with Amazon.
You don’t own the video file. You own access to their video file, which they also don’t own, they only own the right to distribute it. If their distribution contract ends and doesn’t gets renewed, then they can’t let you access the file. At least they refunded you. This system is one of the issues with the ongoing writers and actors strikes. Amazon can decide to stop making a video available, which cuts all dividends revenues to actors and writers. So having a video available for you to watch costs money to Amazon (or Netflix or Max…) but not enough content makes users unsubscribe, so they ride that thin line for maximized revenue. This means that older movies that aren’t blockbusters get dropped in favor of new content. Now new content doesn’t means good content, remember, it needs to be as cheap as possible. Aaand this is why steaming companies are spiraling down and everything is going to shit. Filmmaking is an art form turned into an industry. But art isn’t about maximized profit, it’s about art first. But you can’t make that art without millions of dollars and that requires the art to take a step back to maximize profit, but not too far back. It’s a really big issue in the film and entertainment industry.
— I’m an IATSE local 600 camera operator.
I’ve been looking for something like this! So far I had an open street map bookmark but this is way better for when I’m hiking. Other commercial maps sucks for hikes.