The number of armed dissidents does not need to be a majority of the population. The government itself has direct control of the police and the military. Those groups are already weaponized to commit acts of political violence, they will continue to do so under the Trump regime. Particularly as mass deportations begin.
It’s more than that. Denigration of homosexuality and transgender identity is inextricably linked with patriarchy. The means by which queer people are oppressed is tied very strongly to notions of gender hierarchy. They push biological gender essentialism and homosexuality as unnatural and dangerous specifically because it places heterosexual cisgender men in the highest social position possible. It allows them to benefit from the exploitation of women and queer people as much as possible. Queer people are less directly useful to them, and so they are generally very overtly violent and genocidal towards us. Trans people in particular are targeted as if one can change their gender, if gender is not innate, then it undermines the superiority of cisgender men over cisgender women. Men cannot biologically innately be superior if women could become men, in essence.