technically its not a world monument if its not on this world…
technically its not a world monument if its not on this world…
The words “I’ve been excommunicated!” or “I’m a blood donor!” they’ll never talk to you again!
Thats what I find so frustrating! If I were the NDP right now I’d be going all out with ads and a plan of action! I want to hear something different for once instead of maintaining the status quo. They have a golden opportunity to leap frog over the libs and get some momentum. We’ve been complaining about the same issues over and over for years, you’d think at least someone would try to leverage that! I hope they don’t just roll over and let pierre waltz into the leadership position I can’t stand that guy at all!
I’ve lived in Canada my whole life and lived comfortably up until Covid hit. After the pandemic everything went completely out of whack. My grocery bill tripled, the cost of everything exploded, and we’re experiencing a housing apocalypse (crisis isn’t the correct word anymore). Canada is basically 3 corporations in a trench coat and we’re heading in all the wrong directions.
What we need is a complete housing rugpull and to kneecap grocery chains or to increase wages to keep up with corporate greed but I don’t think thats going to happen. I’ve also seen a bunch of anti-worker policies become popular in general like leaning on contract/part time work so employers don’t have to pay out benefits and pensions. I could go on and on about that lol. Anyway a lot of people I know straight up left the country and get paid way more to do less work and live in much more affordable conditions, I myself might be doing that soon. Basically its a lot of short-sighted thinking resulting in massive brain drain where I work. I think most of our problems stem from unchecked corporate greed across every industry and we have to put up with it because most major companies operate in a duopoly. I’m not an expert but thats my take. its time for a MAJOR course-correction.
Ya that game rules. I was also a massive fan of rainbow 6 Vegas 2 back in the day.
I’ve heard rumours of a buyout. Its sad I really used to enjoy a lot of their games and now they’re just not interesting at all.
I’m bracing for this right now. I’m working casual hours while I go to full time schooling but part of that schooling includes unpaid placements, I’m absolutely dreading not having income for basically half a year while i’m on the hook for tuition, bills/rent, transportation ect…
dude the raw milk thing alone is going to skyrocket preventable death and illness. Theres a reason pasteurization exists.
I’m still using the audiobooks so I’ll keep it unless there is a better app for audiobooks specifically.
After 15 listening hours they let you finish the chapter then block listening until the next month and its a stupid amount of money to top up. Unfortunately I have all my music and podcasts tied to the base service and thats the only thing keeping me there. If I’m paying a monthly fee I feel entitled to unlimited anything.
I just want unlimited audiobook listening this 15 hours thing is bullshit. I nearly dropped spotify the second I got that notification out of spite.
our GDP would explode overnight lol
I was talking to my fiance about this, I’m about to graduate from my program and both of us can work anywhere there is a hospital. We were looking into houses or condos in the GTA but its just stupid expensive. I joked about bailing on canada entirely and just packing up/moving and that quickly went from a joke to our top option. I can’t believe its gotten so unbelievably to hard to live here, whats the point in staying?
a condo just isn’t worth a million. Bring on the crash!
oh jeez! finally!
or any nintendo game, I swear they’re never on sale.
Thats fair. So is the solution giving up and leaving or working day by day to try to make change and improve the situation? Its a little bit smarter to put pressure on our representatives. Protests should revolve around people who have the power to make these changes. Its slow and frustrating but works, they’ll cave if they’re on the unpopular side of an issue. These organizations are too important to just throw away.
Its important for countries to work together. Could we do better? absolutely but things are worse off when we try to go it on our own, I don’t understand the point of all this isolationism.
I saw an ULTP a while back about making your font colour the same as the paper/background (white) and spamming a bunch of key words and skills that the AI is looking for to get your resume sorted to the top of the pile. I’ve considered doing that but I already have a good resume for my field.