Another vote for restic, best backup software I’ve ever used.
Formerly /u/neoKushan on reddit
Another vote for restic, best backup software I’ve ever used.
I don’t know why LTT are somehow the bad guys in this, they weren’t the only ones to realise that the extension messed with their affiliate links and it’s not like it’s a thing to publicly shout about every dropped sponsor.
I bet LTT has dropped plenty of sponsors without making a big public deal about it.
There’s the nanokvm, similar idea but cheaper. I have one and it’s okay but a bit sore, I’m hoping the jet is faster
Thanks for the tip on Read you, I’ve tried a few RSS readers and not been entirely happy but this one seems nice!
That’s not quite accurate.
The onion’s bid was technically lower overall, but they made an agreement with some of the victims of Jones’ harassment that would make them better off overall.
Essentially one group is legally owed 97% of the proceeds of the sale while everyone else gets what’s left. The agreement was that instead of a 97:3 split, the smaller group gets a bigger payout and the larger group gets a cut of future ad revenue.
Everybody wins in this arrangement, except Alex Jones. So everyone wins.
Don’t worry about not having any insights, I still valve-ued the pun.
I don’t think you can claim that the team behind concord is incompetent. I think they delivered something that nobody wanted but they delivered that competently.
I agree that incompetence generally doesn’t end up with a good product but sometimes even good competence all around doesn’t win. Sometimes it really is luck and timing.
Corporate meddling gets blamed for ruining things all the time but the truth few want to admit is that some amount of meddling is necessary.
Look at all the big flops Xbox has released over the last year - Redfall being a prime example. We kept hearing how Microsoft was happy to leave those studios to it, to give them the time and resources they needed and they still released dog shit.
When it comes to AAA, it’s so expensive you need some amount of corporate input to make sure people will actually buy the damn game.
Of course there’s extremes to both sides - pretty much anything Activision ever touched was ground to a lifeless micro transaction shell.
But everything we know about concord is trekking6 us that the team itself, including the big bosses, were overly positive internally. Nobody had the balls to interfere.
If they had just one exec who was willing to piss the entire team off, maybe the result would be different.
For that chrome book like experience, the genuinely think Chrome OS flex is probably a better option for most people (privacy concerns not withstanding).
People blame Google for the death of jabber because of one blog post from a disgruntled contributor but the truth is jabber was never popular and Google chat died as well.
Jabber was a mess, most of the clients were barely compatible with Each other and it was a wild west of feature support. Some clients were well featured with the ability to send richer messages, but typically only worked with a specific server and the same clients. Jabber did a crap job at making sure clients and servers interacted properly with each other and didn’t push the standards quickly enough, forcing clients to do their own thing.
Which is all Google did, they went their own way because nobody used jabber and the interoperability was causing more harm than good. It didn’t work, Google talk died and many years later clients like WhatsApp took over instead.
I’m on the side of “automate it all and stop whining”, but I do think it’s important not to so readily dismiss the thoughts and opinions of those this directly affects in favour of the opinions of the security researchers pushing the change.
There are some legitimate issues with certain systems that aren’t easily automated today. The issue is with those systems needing to be modernised, but there isn’t a big push for that.
Made with Layers (Thomas Sanladerer)
TL;DW the stuttering is also present on console and doesn’t appear to be shader compilation.
Nah this isn’t usual Nintendo bullshit, this guy was installing pirated games as part of his mods - he’s brought this on himself.
Yeah, really want musk to buy it…
I don’t think Sony is making much more money than Microsoft is, though. They may have sold twice the consoles, but the generation is brutal in terms of actual profits.
Yup I’m with you here. I love KBM and it’s my preferred way to play for most games, but when it comes to driving I’d much prefer a controller with analogue triggers and a stick (unless it’s a sim racer, in which case a wheel of course) for that extra precision.
Unfortunately I can’t think of a good design to give that level of control to just one hand. Analogue keys are a thing but they sound awful, nowhere near enough precision due to the short travel of them.
The engine Can of Duty uses is effectively a heavily modified quake 3 engine.
By this point it’s so modified it may as well be a different thing, but make no mistake it has evolved from the quake 3 engine.
I mean, this is mostly borne from a fundamental misunderstanding of what “Private Browsing” mode is and was meant to be.
When you open an incognito tab on Chrome, it literally says “Now you can browse privately, and other people who use this device won’t see your activity.”
It also says
Your activity might still be visible to:
- Websites that you visit
- Your employer or school
- Your Internet service provider
Fuck using Chrome and I’m not defending Google at all here, but they never once claimed Incognito was anything more than it was.
Yup I also use ntfy and it’s brilliant, easy to send notification events to it from almost anything and the android app is very responsive.