Careful, you’ll summon “Drag”
Careful, you’ll summon “Drag”
The first was bat flu.
It’s just two powers in the world now, the wealthy and the religious fanatics
There are lots of wealthy religious fanatics. Can you make your Venn diagram intersection smaller by providing more detail?
So, are words important to the human brain or not? You are not consistent.
You said
your brain does not have words imprinted in it…
You also said
language is a big thing in the human intelligence and consciousness.
You need to pick an argument and stick to it.
language is a big thing in the human intelligence and consciousness.
But an LLM isn’t actually language. It’s numbers that represent tokens that build words. It doesn’t have the concept of a table, just the numerical weighting of other tokens related to “tab” & “le”.
I’ve seen more VR headsets than 3D tvs.
Why Pico over Quest?
It’s a excellent workspace, if your work involves anything 3D.
It is not for office work though. I don’t see VR spreadsheets taking off.
RFK doesn’t mind annoying the corporatocracy…
I’d actually be interested in reading the literature on mixing these types of panel orientations to see what the resulting production yields would look like.
Solar fencing produces 3% more yield and 30% more revenue than rooftop.
Yes. Bifacial seems like the obvious choice. And the fence should be NS orientation not EW.
By replaced, do you mean recycled
Don’t forget solar fences
The whole ex-Mckinsey management layer is at risk. Whole teams of people who were dedicated to producing pretty slides with “action titles” for managers higher up the chain to consume and regurgitate are now having their lunch eaten by AI.
Thanks for this explanation
Logically, the bribery scheme could still be true, even if this witness lied.
However the blanket pardon makes this point moot.
I don’t think we will be experiencing an irony drought.