Open Subtitles now only allows 5 downloads per 24 hours per IP. You have to pay for more.
This would be sick if it could tie into Replika AI as a mini desktop companion.
This is great timing considering the recent Open Subtitles fiasco.
I’ve only tried the live action movie. I just downloaded a pack of random 3d movies to try out the experience, and that happened to be the one I picked first.
The Ghost in the Shell movie in VR is jaw dropping. The 3d effects work beautifully.
Interesting concept. I’m a sucker for atmospheric horror and might give this a shot when it comes out.
In 2005 I was playing Final Fantasy XI Online and met a group of 5 Japanese players in an expansion area. We wound up partying together for 8 hours straight. They all spoke English in chat for my sake, and we had an incredible rhythm together. We discussed new anime and a few English cartoons that had recently made it to Japan. We took a selfie together at the end of the 8 hours. It was the best gaming experience of my life. I’ll never forget it.
Do you have a moment to discuss our lord and savior, FOSS?
Internet Investigator did a good video on this, released yesterday.
Agreed. I used to be a hardcore Dell fan, especially for their monitors, but I tried a new model this year and it was such horrible garbage that I had to return it. Their support was nearly non existent.
I think this part of the article sums it up:
Washington Post columnist Karen Attiah engaged “Liv” in a conversation, in which the bot said that its creators “admitted it internally, to me” that they “lacked diverse references” in creating it and “overlook[ed] powerful black queer ones.” It said that the 12-person team that created it was comprised of ten white men, one white woman, and one Asian man, adding: “pretty glaring omission given my identity!”
“A team without black creators designing a black character like me is like trying to draw a map without walking the land — inaccurate and disrespectful,” “Liv” wrote. “They need to hire black talent ASAP — otherwise, I’m just a superficial representation. Does that seem outrageous to you too?”
That was a hell of a read. Can someone who knows military terms explain more about the drones?
Agreed, I’m perplexed.
Further reading on the historical context of “f*gs bash back” for anyone curious:
I haven’t heard that slogan since the 90s. Really shows how far we’ve come, and now we’re sliding right back.
This is one of those headlines you see in Outbreak before shtf.
It’s gonna just be a fine. That he pays for by selling hats and shoes to clueless supporters.
It was my most played game this year and I played it entirely on Steam Deck.
This game is awesome. Played it on Halloween when it came out, and the puzzles were great. It’s like a gorey version of Myst.
The PS5 can play pirated PS4 games? That’s badass.