How many times do they need to teach you guys this lesson you mean.
The murder sparked a wave of support for the alleged perpetrator and that’s it, no popular movement, no other murder, practices won’t change, your lives will keep on being just as shitty as they were or they’ll get worse because their buddy is becoming president a second time.
You’re just a bunch of keyboard warriors that will never take action because it would mean having to make a sacrifice for the greater good.
Meanwhile someone goes and shoots kids and there’s a bunch of morons ready to imitate them to get their minute of fame!
I think game enthusiasts (i.e. people hanging on the Internet to talk about games) don’t realize the difference in sales for a successful innovative game (Stardew Valley for example) and mainstream games… Sure Stardew sold 40m copies since 2016, but CoD sells 10m+ every year!