At this rate, someday guys may be able to joke around again
This post is a work of satire
At this rate, someday guys may be able to joke around again
This post is a work of satire
Let’s dissolve them both in a vat of acid
Tankie Obsession: an Infantile Disorder (and its not a wonky translation, I mean they have the political education of a baby) by V.I. Lenin
Whatever, i should have just left it alone. I don’t get why you go to every instance taking the name communist, and then engage in a form of anti communism. You give power to our enemies ammunition. You may have a particular definition of what a tankie is, but we are about to enter an era of repression most likely, and you wanna pick fights with people who hate your supposed enemies. If you want to defeat "tankieism (what kind of vaushite language is this) then you would find the good faith ones and try and figure out why they, in good faith, have questionable views, and try to engage politically. Instead you otherize them just like any objectivist bourgeois liberal. And you wonder why I say you stand with libs?
Maybe I don’t know what you’ve read or whatever, but (for example) a biologist would know if someone who wasn’t a biologist was just like making biology noises, or if they were legit. I’m not trying to gatekeep, but this anti tankie behavior is lib behavior, its the same one sided “authoritarianism” that the stalinists believe in, justification for purges.
When two contradictory sides mirror each other, like positive and negative, they are one thing, thats basic dialectics. You can steelman all you want, a steelman is just a strawman made out of something shiny (and it prob took the owner too long to put together, but just stands there.)
If you want to move past where the tankies are, because you’re stuck with them now, then you have to dump your objectivist worldview.
Okay so reading your comments you are clearly very undereducated when it comes to what I would consider basic knowledge of communism. I guess that’s okay, I called myself a communist or a socialist when I was knew nothing too. And to be clear, I woke up in a foul mood, and you seem to have irritated it, so I’m sorry for being an ass.
But communism isn’t something you believe, its something you do, and messing with tankies only helps the liberals. You should want to educate others about communism, but you don’t understand it; so your very communist urge to educate is good, but the subject you are concerned with is a liberal bugbear. I don’t doubt there are fake “tankies” on social media, its well documented that right wing groups try to infiltrate the Left, as well as state/military/police all have large social media teams used to manipulate public opinion. But taking this on as a project you are just becoming the dialectical opposite of a “tankie”: a bourgeois liberal, which is 1000x more bloodthirsty and destructive of an ideology. Because when you fight something without understanding it, you just become its dark reflection, or many times you become the thing you are opposing. This is apparent because you keep thinking I’m accusing you of being a tankie, you’re so worried you’ll get confused with them you engage in your own grassroots form of authoritarianism, underwritten by bourgeois liberals.
There are real Stalinists, and I have disagreements with them (and they can’t stand me) but they at least are trying to move away from liberalism (except when they become liberals per the mechanism described above), whereas your path to “communism” is just moving you closer. I stand with Stalinists on picket lines, in meetings, in actions, just as a function of the similar work we are doing. Stalin would have purged my ass, but they stand in actual solidarity with workers. What are you doing writing about “tankies” as your passion project? Which is funny since on your beehaw acct you just copy paste the same 3 paragraphs when discussing tankies, so i dont think you actually don’t care about writing or understanding anything.
I will never stand next to you with the work you plan to do, because I don’t stand with liberals against the boogeyman. So I just think you should either stop calling yourself a communist or actually start trying to do the work to become one.
Feel free to look for pro-tankie comments? Why would I look for that, I really want to see your anticommunist comments, where are they? Other than what you wrote above, throwing your lot in with neo-McCarthyism.
I’m not a Stalinist or subscribe to any “tankie” views either, though what those views are is determined by the aims imperialism so that could change. But I sure as hell don’t waste my time with “anti-tankie” documents, there are actual problems beyond some 14 year old Hexbear calling you a liberal
No, Hitler went after communists, socialists and trade unionists first. The whole reason the nazis were given power was to destroy the Left wing which had almost overthrown the bourgeois industrialists in the years after WW1. Ernst Rohm, a gay Nazi leader, was in charge of the night of the long knives when the Nazis cleared the ghettos of communists, socialists and Jews.
Homosexuals entered the crosshairs a year later when Hitler decided his good friend Ernst was a bit too close to power, which is why homosexuality became a crime to be purged over.
How do you do my fellow communists?
Me, a chad communist China supporter: Mao was good actually
You, virgin president of China: in this house we stan Deng, and Marx was wrong about class
Yet are weirdly cool with
other women
Someone should look into this capitalism thing and see if its creating any problems, surprised noone has thought about it till now
It must’ve been hard escaping the Saskatchewinian gulag that the CCP (Canadian Communist Party) locked him up in for questioning the woke, trans agenda.
Looking forward to his Yeonmi Park arc
Pretty sure we’ve had presidents who killed people before, like wasn’t murdering Indians Andrew Jackson’s whole campaign platform?
Well there are good days and bad days. When she started here she wasn’t able to get into her room to set it up until the 11th hour, so she started the year on her backfoot. She takes good care of her self, much better than me tbh, so I think that helps. She’s very tough and competent, and she has a sort of gentle frankness that I think help smooth out rough interpersonal issues that drive so much burn out, just because she like can’t stand to let things fester between people. Also our relationship is very strong and open and honest, and we share everything including housework. We take vacations, and alto she likes to plan vacations so it can be a nice mental getaway for her. Luckily I have a decent job too so we can do that. My kids are older and we only have them part time so she doesn’t have to full time mom, even though she’s a great step mom and very involved.
Okay I’m not defending the teacher here except for the child’s right to be recognized and have their needs tended to. This also isn’t about “good” and “bad” teachers, but the education system. This is anecdotal, so take it for what it’s worth.
My wife, S, is an intervention specialist which is a teacher in a special ed classroom. I think she is a very good teacher, and after years in a underfunded inner city school, she now works in a very large well funded elementary school in a nice area with very involved and stable parents, by and large.
She has a student, L who is non verbal, most of her kids are and she has the most difficult special-ed classroom in her school. She works on a team with two other intervention specialists, one of which, B, was L’s teacher for two years previous. L has a muscular disability.
It’s S’s first year at this school so she is just starting to know the kids. What she is discovering is that these “very low” non verbal children, have basically received no prior schooling on subjects. Their learning plans have each of them marked very low, with the most basic goals. And granted, behavior is usually an issue with these kids who can’t communicate. They can lash out suddenly and scratch or bite a teacher or aide, drawing blood more often than not. So behavior will eat up a ton of bandwidth for any teacher. It took my wife months to get her kids to sit with her and do any work whatsoever. But once they started to do work for her so she could test their ability, she discovers that they are all quite advanced in various areas, despite basically never being taught. Kids with educational goals of being able to count to 5 can do multiplication and division for 2 and 3 digit numbers, ahead of their grade; kids who seem to have no concept of reading or conceptual language can spell and construct sentences or answer questions about a story, if it is shown to them in a way that they will interact with.
Back to L, he is another case just like this. Very difficult to work with at first, refused to be taught, lashes out violently when he gets frustrated, but now that he is used to her he will sit and work and also demonstrates advanced ability in multiple subjects.
However the last to years his previous teacher and the head of their team, B, by all accounts from teacher and aides did nothing with him for 2 years. He was basically laid on a mat in a closet, and ignored, everyday for 2 years. My wife says that for the most part he gets around in her class pretty darn well, so even the assumption that he’s mostly immobile was wrong.
Special ed teachers spend most of their time some weeks filling out complicated ed plans that are a state requirement, but frankly no one ever checks or even seems to know how to fill these things out. Everyone is just winging it. Bureaucracy is a stand in for education and the needs of the child. Imo my wife is an exceptional teacher who has time and time again achieved breakthroughs with some of her most difficult students. The lead on her team, with over a decade of experience in this job couldn’t even see past their own assumptions about the child, and never stopped to question them, and so the poor kid was neglected, uninjured thank God, for 2 years.
So if a pretty good teacher at a good school can fuck up that badly, how dangerous would it be for a inexperienced or disengaged teacher? To me this isn’t a problem that comes down to individual teachers but of the American education system as a whole, and it’s priorities. Spoiler alert, politics matter more than children.
DSA, Working Families Party, Our Revolution, maybe other more radical groups like CPUSA or PSL.
I agree, but if one day we abolished all cops, people in NYC especially would freak out. Hell some cops would probably do a bunch of crime to prove a point. Its not a demand that people like very much, . I think the police as a force that absolutely only exists to protect private property of the owning class, and I don’t know if you wanna hear my “nuanced” opinions and I don’t know if they’re worth very much. But I think that the police as a reactive force needs to be handled tactically in order to protect people who are protesting and force through demands. By and large I agree with Farrell Dobbs analysis in teamster rebellion was, during a political rebellion such as the 1934 Minneapolis teamster strike, the state of a police department changes daily and must be evaluated daily based on primarily their numbers. It would be great for left wing mass movements to make demands on the ruling class if that number was zero, but that’s unrealistic and most people know it.
Oh shit, a crime the cops actually have to solve, haha, can’t just frame some poor sap this time gotta do some actual detective work. I hope they never catch him and the PD gets defunded. I know its NYC and they need cops but I think they could use a haircut at least
Can he be extradited to North Korea for the lulz?
Signal or no signal, quitting meta is virtuous.