When you’re an out of towner looking for the nearest place to go and get coffee or use a public bathroom, reviews matter.
When you’re an out of towner looking for the nearest place to go and get coffee or use a public bathroom, reviews matter.
The sd card reader is cool too
Chainalysis is a cryptocurrency/blockchain investigation software, I at least know that much.
Can confirm, Abbot is definitely a loser. Talarico 2026 FTW
Doesn’t Texas still practice corporal punishment? If so, then it feels like they’re running a pretty tight extortion scam on Texans.
I think they see it as the legs to the monster that is Putin
Snort might actually be a good real world application that stands to benefit from ML, so for security there’s some sort of hopefulness.
It isn’t exactly that we think everyone is evil, we just doubt that anyone with profits in mind is doing much, or any, good for humanity.
Not if it’s seitan
When will fools like this realize the fundanentals of american beliefs doesn’t favor one religion over another, even if you don’t practice at all? Using religion as a base is just so disengenuous to the people.
I like this logic
Doesn’t Vivaldi have built-in blockers?
Ad nauseum
He really is trying to take a 15 year old’s job; I wonder what he’ll do when the fryer is overheated and it shuts off. Not too many employees even know what to do then, so assuming that fry cook is easy would probably be laughable, not to mention I’m willing to bet Kamala knows how to fix those fryers too.
*Not available in Iran
I realized after the fact; at least it has a posix shell though
Oops you’re right my bad
The Switch runs a custom version of Android, so they technically know at least one form of Linux
I second this