I’m sure those who know more about this stuff will roll their eyes at this question but like, I’m about 9 minutes in and why do almost all the examples the guy’s using have white pixels flashing on and off around the edges of the screen? Around 8m25s in particular it’s evident. I thought maybe it was a snow or rain effect, but I don’t think so. It looks like an artifact of some kind.
It does seem like it’d be pretty cool, though much rather them than me lol. I think shoving an rpi inside though would really betray the implicit spirit of the project. That would just be “can a raspberry pi run linux when I put in a plastic case shaped like a children’s toy?” The answer would pretty obviously be yes. People are saying the processor in it means it probably couldn’t run Linux which would make it a bit of a non-starter but there apparently other OSs that could be made to run on that kind of processor and that’d be cool to see.
To answer my own question, I found this from googling https://support.gog.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408596960797-Disco-Elysium-The-Final-Cut-M1-compatible-version?product=gog
Which seems to indicate that it is, but you have to take some active steps to make sure that’s what’s run when you actually play the game. I find that a bit confusing but it sounds simple enough. I don’t know what GOG galaxy is but I assume it’s a storefront like Steam. Sounds like if you run by opening Galaxy and hitting play, it won’t be the native version and will run through Rosetta 2 but if you run it from your applications folder it’s the native version. This is a bit odd because that makes it sound like by default what you have installed is BOTH versions which sounds like an awful waste of disk space but maybe I’ve misunderstood.
After I bought the game I went looking for where to download it and found it in the games section of profile page on GOG but when I downloaded it, it was an installer that starts downloading the Galaxy thing. I can’t imagine having any use for that and since I’ll likely never launch what will at the moment be my only GOG game from there it’s just a potential source of confusion so I clicked on the download backup installer option. Hope this ens up being native, I think the game is meant to have very modest requirements indeed in any case so if it turns out to somehow be running through Rosetta 2 I suspect it’ll be imperceptible anyway.
must have been an awkward thing to ask someone who’s never heard of them, using the correct terminology.
The malware also uses advanced evasion techniques, such as suspending its activity when it detects a new user in the btmp or utmp files and terminating any competing malware to maintain control over the infected system.
So, is it a fairly decent antivirus mixed in with all the malware?