Well that’s just because your are mommy’s smart boy. You’re just so much smarter than all the other little boys.
Well that’s just because your are mommy’s smart boy. You’re just so much smarter than all the other little boys.
I feel like you gotta go out of your way to make so little money doing this. If they actually did it correctly there would be no article to write. Not saying they would get rich but there’s no way they did this honestly.
Yeah it’s shit coffee but think of all the oj you can buy with the savings!
They could put out a story like this every minute of every day and never run out. Burn it all down indeed
Just go to Starbucks and grab any of the 15 cups of coffee in pickup area and go. Imagine buying coffee when Starbucks exists
Can you tell us?
Because the state decides who and how many distributors there are and the current ones already pay their annual bribes to the right people to keep their monopoly
Get a used asustor or synology box on ebay and get the certified refurbished drives that Seagate sells directly. While you can build your own using zfs like others have mentioned to me the cost savings wasn’t worth it. I use mine for backups I don’t want the most important part of my chain to get fucked up because of something I did or didn’t do properly. I went with asustor which has a ton of one click install apps and brain dead easy backup to another asustor I have set up across country at a family members house.
They should specified speeds too. I think Apple gimps usb c charging speeds
Just charge your phone then?!?
Lol like it wasn’t always.
Drug ads are the only thing keeping cable TV floating
They haven’t cared about their reputation since they went public and few years ago. Everything is profit first for them.
There are always people who want aesthetics over performance and people with more money than sense so why wouldn’t corsair sell these. They had huge markup.
Anyone else old enough to remember pc gamer as a legitimate news company lol. What a headline
Well I don’t mean in our lifetime but maybe hundreds of years from now it will finally happen. What other choice do we have?
He had hard proof chat gpt used copyright work to train. Opening them up to lawsuits of said copyright holders and basically collapsing the whole company.
You have to age them out there’s no other way, their brains are rot.
Is even easier than that. They will mail the ballot to your house months in advance and you can study everything especially all local initiatives and then mail it back at your leisure and people still don’t do that. It’s madness.
I delivered pizza from high school through college. And now I own 2 business that we use third party delivery at. I can assure you literally no one makes this little on these apps even the people who are illegals and doing profit sharing with people with legal accounts make more.